“It’s nice not having the Conclave breathing down my neck to go away until Ferelith is defeated,” I mused. It was a beautiful day with cool breezes and the fragrance of tart apples in the air.

Bastien didn’t respond, but gathered me close in his arms. His nose in my hair, he took a deep breath. “I adore you,” he murmured gently.

I snuggled into him, relishing our time together as it had been hard to find quiet moments in the midst of war. “The feeling is very mutual.”

He then stared down at me. His gaze searched mine, as if I had answers to questions he hadn’t thought to ask. I lifted to my tiptoes and brushed my lips against his.

Bastien’s hands came to my face, and he took control, something he was very good at. The kiss deepened, and I started to spin, letting my troubles melt away.

Lifting his head slightly, he whispered urgently against my mouth, “Never forget that everything I do for you, I do out of love.”

Sighing, I melted into him, my body molding to his. I loved him like no other, and he made it easy to forget our perils.

But then Bastien abruptly released me, and with his hands at my shoulders, he held us apart. I tipped my head and frowned, thinking he might have some important words of affirmation. His face was so serious as he said, “I love you. Please don’t forget that.”

A sudden wind whipped around me, swirling my hair around my head and flapping my dress against my legs. But the breeze didn’t touch Bastien who stood only an arm’s-length away. His lips moved, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

His arms fell away from my shoulders, only to take my left hand in his. His expression frightened me. It was one of complete and utter guilt.

I felt his fingers working at the pink diamond on my left finger, not to remove it but more like he was fiddling with it. He had put that ring on my finger as our commitment to marry and when I glanced down, I gasped to see the diamond was gone, a smooth black stone in its place.

There was so much confusion and before I could comprehend the meaning behind the change to my ring, Bastien pulled free and stepped back. I tried to move to him, but I was frozen.

“What have you done?” I shouted over the wind. I held my arms out to him, silently begging him to come closer.

He stepped farther away, and my eyes widened in astonishment as a yellowish-orange glow emanated from the center of his chest. His face contorted in pain, and his fists clenched tightly as the glow turned a deep red.

“Bastien!” I screamed, terrified that somehow Ferelith had found us and was at this very moment killing him.

“I’m sorry,” he yelled above the whipping wind, that deep voice riddled with remorse.

The crimson light in his chest coalesced, tightened, and seemed to pulse in time to what I believe might have been his actual heartbeat.

Then it flew from his body, coming fast. It slammed into me, and I gasped at the invasion. It’s like all of Bastien’s emotions and feelings and devotion were pumping inside my blood. It felt foreign but not unpleasant.

Warm and comforting and purposeful.

Something tugged at me, and I watched in horror as Bastien faded before my eyes. It was at that moment I realized what was happening.

I was being sent through the veil and away from Vyronas. That also meant Bastien had betrayed me.

“No!” I screamed in fury, the treachery hurting as much as my parents’ deaths. The hurt was crippling—it spelled the death of our love. “Please stop this.”

I tried to fire up my magic, call on the ley lines to strengthen me, but nothing happened. Bastien stood there, watching me with a grim expression. His eyes, usually so warm and expressive, were ice-cold now.

There wasn’t an ounce of love or even regret within that beautiful face, and I wondered if he was working for Ferelith. Had he betrayed not only my heart but the throne as well?

Before he faded completely, the last thing I recall was dropping my arms to my sides and clenching my fists so tightly, my nails drew blood from my palms. Fueled by my anguish, power surged through me, but not enough to break his spell. It was enough, however, to seal a vow. “I hate you,” I screamed. “And I will never forgive you for this.”

He seemed unmoved by my words and merely pivoted on his foot, giving me his back. He walked away as I was pulled from my world, and he didn’t even care enough to look at me again.

I let out a wail of heartbreak as I was wrenched from Vyronas and everything I knew.