The magics surrounding her false reality made it so she wouldn’t want to leave this area, fake memories of rancher parents implanted and a deep sense of familial duty to continue this ranch. It was all done so Thalia wouldn’t stray and could therefore remain under a cloak of protection that was sealed around her and fortified with the ring he’d put on her finger.

Bastien wasn’t surprised the ranch had flourished under her care. She was an animal enthusiast, but horses were her greatest love. He wondered, though, if she ever felt she didn’t belong. He also wondered how lonely she was, for she was fairly isolated. This pricked his conscience a little.

Glancing into the kitchen, he was unmoved by Thalia’s stunning beauty. Oh, one couldn’t deny that her hair was glorious with its soft, chocolate-brown waves cascading past her shoulders. Her eyes were the color of spring grass, and they always sparkled with intelligence, kindness, and humor. Her lips were soft—that he knew from much experience—but that knowledge of her was so muted and dulled he easily pushed it aside.

As he looked back to the photos on the mantel, he could see Thalia was happy and content, and he knew that after tonight, he probably wouldn’t see such joy again. He was going to hit her with heavy stuff and would be receiving nothing but enmity from here on out.

Thalia walked into the room carrying two highball glasses and a bottle of amber liquid with a black label.

“Okay, I say we make this a drinking game. Every time I think one of you is feeding me a line of bullshit, you have to drink.” She threw a chastising look at Kieran. “You already owe me one for the erchras story you just told me.”

In only a few minutes, Kieran had managed to penetrate her distrust, significantly lightening her mood. There’d been a time in years past when he was able to do that with Thalia, but now he simply had no desire to see her laugh or smile.

Her amusement shouldn’t have irritated Bastien, but it did, and his tone was sharp. “This is no game, Thalia.”

The smile vanished, her words punctuated by anger. “You think I don’t know that? I’m very aware this isn’t a game, as evidenced by me nearly dying tonight. Even though you say you know me, you don’t. I use levity to ease difficult situations, and I’m sorry if that bothers you.”

“My apologies,” Bastien said stiffly with a slight nod. “I didn’t mean to offend.”

Thalia snorted as she addressed Kieran. “Is he always this proper and civilized?”

Kieran leveled a thoughtful look at his brother. “Do you mean stuffy and boring?”

Thalia nodded. “Exactly what I mean.”

Attention still pinned on Bastien, Kieran rubbed his jaw as if this were a complex riddle. “I’ve long suspected his humor was surgically removed, but no… he wasn’t always like this.”

More banter followed, and Bastien didn’t like it. But he didn’t tell them as much, merely waited for them to get serious about the discussion.

Thalia grabbed the liquor bottle and twisted off the cap. As she poured a few inches in the glasses, she nodded toward two chairs. “Might as well sit down.”

Bastien took one chair, which wasn’t quite big enough for his large frame to fit comfortably. Kieran took the other, and Thalia handed each man a glass before moving to the couch.

“Aren’t you having a drink?” Kieran asked.

Thalia picked up the bottle, put it to her lips, and took a hefty swig. She hissed through her teeth after swallowing and held it up. “No glass required. I feel like I might need the rest of this tonight.”

Dropping onto the couch, Thalia set the liquor on the coffee table that separated her from the men. She leaned forward, elbows resting on her knees, and clasped her hands. There was no more sparkle of levity in her eyes, her expression now deadly serious.

Looking between Bastien and Kieran, she said, “You have ten minutes to explain why you’re here. If I don’t believe you, I want you out of my house. If you don’t leave when I tell you to…” At this point, Thalia leaned sideways, reached under the couch, and pulled out another shotgun. She rested it on her lap and said, “I’m going to shoot both of you. Understand?”

Kieran barked out a laugh, but Bastien wasn’t amused. Thalia had placed her shotgun on a rack near the door when they’d entered the house, so it was a surprise she had a weapon in her hands again.

“Understood,” Bastien clipped out, refusing to look at the gun but keeping his eyes locked on Thalia’s. “Since our time is limited, I’m going to give you the short version, and you can ask questions as needed.”

Thalia nodded, lips pressed into a flat line of skepticism before he even started.