Page 198 of Strangers in my Bed

I opt for some kind of honesty with a sigh.

“Ant and I are friends, but things have become awkward between us. This has nothing to do with performance, this is personal, between me and Ant.”

It’s Naomi that shrugs, looking more awkward than the others, and that makes sense, as she’s by far Ant’s closest associate in the location team. It will have been her he’ll have contacted to draw up the paperwork.

“Ant is determined,” she says. “It’s your call, Gerwyn, but the opportunity in Prague looks like quite a good one. Your relocation allowance will be very generous, and the team will be very welcoming.”

“And what is the alternative? Disciplinary action?”

Peter speaks up.

“Suspension, with a disciplinary investigation.”

I still can’t believe it. I look at all three of them, one after the other.

“You do know this is bullshit, right? This is Ant on a vendetta. It isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last, but it has sweet FA to do with work whatsoever.”

“Regardless of personal issues,” Peter says. “Ant is in charge of the team. We have to take his accusations seriously, and are working on his recommendations.”

“He’s lying to you.”

“We’d ascertain that during the disciplinary procedure, if you choose to go that way.”

Except they wouldn’t. Ant would do whatever it took to manipulate events to his liking. My fate here is already sealed.

“I’m not signing,” I tell them. “There is no reason for me to be relocated to Prague, and I’m not going to play along with it.”

“Please consider this carefully, Mr Rhodes,” Frank says. “It’s a very important decision for you.”

I’m seething, with hurt and embarrassment and shock. My stare must be resolute as I shunt the paperwork back at them for the second time.

“I’ve made my decision.”

Naomi looks almost guilty as she pulls a fresh set of paperwork from the file in front of her. There it is, in black and white. Notice of disciplinary investigation. Fraud and corruption within Nevilles Berlin.

“Fuck off,” I say, letting my guard down. “This is a fucking insult.”

“It’s a legitimate accusation by your director, Mr Rhodes,” Peter says, and I hate the way they are now referring to me by my surname. “We have to take it seriously.”

“Yeah,” I say. “And so do I. I’ll take it seriously and address it for myself.”

I’m out of there before they can stop me, up from my seat and marching straight out of the door. I climb the stairs back up to the third floor two at a time, busting my way in there with Frank in my wake, not giving a shit who hears me.

“Where the fuck is Ant?”

Kirsty points to his office in the corner, and I see him through the glass panel in the door.

I waste no time heading straight on in there, not giving a fuck about the fact he’s on the phone.

“Right, Finn, I’ll get straight back to you,” he says. “Give me five.”

I close the door in Frank’s face as he catches up with me. This is between me and Ant now.

I expect at least some kind of fucking emotion from my best friend as he takes a seat in front of me, but there is nothing there. No hurt, no anger, nothing.

“Fraud and corruption?” I bark. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I’ve been doing some investigatory work,” he says, like he’s being genuine.

“BULLSHIT, Ant. That’s fucking bullshit, and you know it.”

“Gerwyn, we all make mistakes, but you need to take a step down from your current responsibilities. Prague is the right opportunity for you. I’ve made sure you are kept on the same salary band.”

I stare at him like we’re on another planet, because the whole thing is that absurd.

“You’re really going to do this, are you? Based on one night of a De Chante fuelled fuck up, which you provoked yourself?”

“This has nothing whatsoever to do with that,” Ant lies, and I can’t believe it. There’s not even a hint of malice or regret in his eyes. He’s as calm as the eye of a storm.

“You really think I’m going to relocate to Prague? Seriously?”

He shrugs. “Your choice, but I’d certainly hope so. Nevilles would like to help you to get yourself back on track. I’m willing to put your mistakes down as official mistakes rather than fraud, but you’re going to have to give me your co-operation.”

I take it down the personal route, because I have to.

“We’re friends, Ant. You’re my best friend.”

“I hope we can continue to be civil acquaintances, Gerwyn. The distance between us will make friendship harder, but I truly wish you all the best.” Again, he’s so fucking cool with it. The cunt even stands up to shake my hand. “It’s been a pleasure working with you. Mistakes are mistakes, and we all make them. I know you’ll give more attention and care to your next role. You’ll be an asset to the Czech team.”