“Don’t keep him waiting too long. One day you might wake up and he’ll be gone.”

I nod, letting her know that I heard her, but her words hit their mark. We’re in love, and we have a son. Hudson has been with us every day. He’s been my rock. I started back to work last week, and he’s been slowly starting to work again as well. He takes Hayes to his mom's and picks him up every day and even has dinner either started or picks something up. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life.

“Riley Burke,” the nurse calls out.

I stand to go back, and to my surprise, Hudson stands, lifting the car seat with him. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going back with you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t have to. I want to. I wasn’t there for you before, but I will be every day from here on out. I made you that promise, and I intend to keep it.”

I open my mouth to argue but think better of it. “Thank you.” I accept his offer for what it is. His promise to stand by my side in this life.

The nurse leads us to an exam room. “Here’s a gown. You can get undressed, and the doctor will be right in.”

As soon as she leaves the room, Hudson’s baby blues find me. “Damn, Riles, I didn't know I’d be getting a show for this visit.” He leans back in his chair and places his hands behind his head, nodding for me to continue getting undressed.

“You’re lucky I love you.” I laugh at him.

He drops his arms, and all four legs of the chair are back on the floor. “I’m the lucky one, Riley.” He gazes down at our son. “So damn lucky.”

I quickly change and place my clothes in a pile on the chair next to his. I’ve barely situated myself on the exam table when the doctor comes in.

“Riley, hi, I’m sorry to have to cancel on you last week.”

Hudson grumbles under his breath, but I ignore him. I know what he’s grumbling about. I haven’t been cleared for sexual activity, and my appointment getting moved just prolonged, in his words, “our very long dry spell.”

“No problem,” I reply, and he grunts. I have to bite down on my cheek to keep from laughing.

“And this little guy. How’s he doing?”

“Perfect,” Hudson tells her. He holds out his hand. “Hudson, the baby daddy.”

Dr. Moore laughs. “Nice to meet you, Hudson, the baby daddy.” He nods as if he’s satisfied with the name. “All right, let’s get started,” Dr. Moore says. She goes through questions that I’m sure Hudson wasn’t ready to hear, but he wanted to be a part of this, and who am I to take that from him? I’ve already taken enough.

“Let’s take a look, and we’ll get you on your way. Lie back and put your legs in the stirrups.” I do as she says and scoot my bottom to the edge of the bed. Not a fun time, ask any woman, but it’s a small price to pay for my health and my son.

I look over and find Hudson’s eyes glued to the doctor, watching her every move. The exam is over in a matter of seconds, but that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable.

“Everything looks great. You’re cleared for sexual activity. Have you thought about birth control?”

“I was taking the pill when I got pregnant.”

“Nothing but abstinence is one-hundred-percent effective,” she explains, and Hudson starts coughing. We both turn to look at him, and he waves us off.

“Swallowed wrong,” he explains.

I smirk. I know damn well what that was about. He doesn’t plan on being abstinent, and neither do I. Sleeping in his arms every night for the past seven weeks has been torture. I need him like I need air.

“I’m used to the pill, so let’s do that,” I decide. There is a voice in the back of my head reminding me that the pill failed, but I stick firm to my answer.

“And just a reminder, it takes up to seven days for this to take effect. It’s my suggestion that you use an alternative during that time.”

I nod. “Thank you.”

“All right, we’re all set. Is the pharmacy on file still accurate?”


“We’ll call it in now. I’ll see you in six months for your annual exam unless you need me before then.”

“Thank you, Dr. Moore.”

“Hudson, it was nice meeting you.” She offers him her hand, and they shake. “And you, Mr. Handsome, be good for Mommy and Daddy.” With a wave, she leaves the room, and Hudson is out of his chair.

He stalks toward me with what can only be described as lust in his blue eyes. When he reaches me, he braces his hands on the exam table and crashes his lips with mine. I open for him willingly as he explores my mouth.