“Riles, you need to be resting.”

“Rest?” She stops and stares at me. “How am I supposed to rest when I’m about to tell my sister and our closest friends who were there for me that I lied to them for months?”

“Baby, it’s going to be fine. Trust me.”

Her shoulders deflate a little. “How are you so calm about this, Hudson?”

“Let’s see.” I tap my chin with my index finger. “How about because I got this little guy out of the deal.” I look down at my son, sleeping soundly in my arms. I’ve barely put him down all day. Riley says I’m going to spoil him, but I couldn’t care less. “Or how about the fact that the woman I love is mine. I finally get to call you mine, Riles. That keeps me calm.”

“Am I yours? I don’t remember agreeing to that,” she says, biting down on her bottom lip.

“You’re mine,” I assure her. “Mommy’s in denial, Hayes,” I whisper to my son, who is sound asleep.

“Right,” she draws out the word. “I believe you’re the one who’s in denial. I’m about to lose my sister and my friends. You’re the one coming out smelling like roses.”

“That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think?” I raise my eyebrows, and she sighs.

“Yes. I know that’s not going to happen, but I know this will hurt them.”

“It’s all going to work out. Come here.” She pauses for just a minute before her feet carry her to me. I pat my thigh, and she sits and snuggles into my chest. “They love you. Not as much as I do, but they love you,” I say, and she smacks softly at my chest, mindful of our boy who’s resting. “I’m teasing. They love you, and although they might be hurt, they’re not going to hate you. Everything is going to work out. I promise.”

“It’s the guilt,” she whispers. “I hate that I lied, and it tore me up inside.”

“Look at me.” She brings her eyes to mine. I slide my hand behind her neck and make sure I have her full attention. “It’s impossible not to love you. Trust me on this. Everything is going to work out.”

“I was not expecting this.” Raven’s words have Riley sitting up. My hand drops to her waist to hold her on my lap. “What’s going on?”

“I didn’t hear you come in.” Riley’s voice shakes.

“I can see that.” Raven points her finger at us and waves it all around. “What’s this?”

“Wait until everyone else gets here,” I tell her.

“Nah, I think I’d like to know now.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“A few more minutes won’t hurt you.”

“No, but I might hurt you. Why do you keep talking for my sister?” She glares at me, but there’s no heat behind it.

“Because I’m in love with her.” I let the truth hang between us. Both sisters turn to look at me with shocked expressions on their faces. Slowly, I trace my hand up Riley’s back, and my hand settles behind her neck once again. I pull her close and press my lips to hers. Raven gasps, but I ignore her. This is my time to show Riley our family comes first. “I’ve got you, baby.” I keep my voice low, only for her.

“Okay, I’m going to walk outside and come back in. I feel like I’ve entered some kind of alternate universe. But first, let me have my nephew.” She takes a step toward us, but my voice stops her.



“I said no.”

“Look, Hud, I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but you can’t tell me yes or no when it comes to my own flesh and blood. Tell him, Riley.”

“What’s going on in here?” We all turn to see Jacob, Brett, Bruce, April, and Darcey step into the living room.

“We knocked, but no one answered.” Darcey shrugs.

It’s not like we don’t all make ourselves at home at each other’s places.

“You all might want to get comfortable for this one,” I tell our friends.

“Hand him over,” Brett says, stepping up next to me.

“Nah, not yet. We need to get this out first.”

“Riley!” Raven glares at me before turning to her sister. “Tell him I can hold my nephew.”

I don’t know if it’s because she refuses to listen or because of the way she just raised her voice at the mother of my child—sister or not—but it doesn’t fly with me, especially since it’s not warranted. It’s time to go with the shock factor to shut her up so we can get this out.

“He’s my son, and I say that you can wait.” Raven’s mouth drops open in shock, as do the others. “Sit down.”

With a nod, she drops to the couch. The other girls follow suit while the guys stand with their hands braced on the couch.