“Raven, I’ve got this. I’m a single mom. That’s my new normal. I need to learn to do this on my own.”

“Just because you’re a single mom doesn’t mean you do it on your own. There are so many people who love both of you, and they were happy to help. In fact, it was all the ‘what can we do?’ questions that sparked the idea.” She shrugs.

“Who is on for tomorrow?”


“Oh.” I smile. “He’s not pushy. I can handle Jake,” I tell her. I’m already thinking of ways I can reassure him that I’m good and send him on his way.

“Add me to the list,” Hudson says out of nowhere.

“No. We’re good. A week is plenty.”

“I’ll see where I can pencil you in.” My sister ignores me. “And you,” she says, pointing her index finger at me, “tomorrow will be two days home from the hospital, well unless you count yesterday as a full day, then it’s three days.” She waves her hand in the air. “Regardless, you’re still recovering from giving birth, Riley. Let the people who love you help take care of you. We want to get you to rest so you can take care of little man,” she says, her voice softening.

How do I argue with that? “Fine,” I concede. My concession in the conversation doesn’t mean I’m not going to give the people on this list an out. I can do this. I have to do this.

“Well, I guess I should get going,” Hudson says. “Riles, I’ll call you later,” he says softly.

“I’m all set,” I tell him. It’s the nicest way I can say don’t bother without Raven asking questions. Hell, my sister can pick up on my feelings better than anyone. She probably already knows I don’t want him here. I’m sure that conversation is coming.

“Thanks for stopping by. I’ll be in touch about the schedule.”

“Thank you.” Hudson gives me one final glance before walking out the door.

“I’m going to go grab a shower and a nap. Do you need anything before I do?”

“I’m good. Thank you, Raven.”

“Love you, sister.” She leans over and kisses the top of Hayes’s head and then disappears down the hall to the spare bedroom to shower.

“Mommy has herself in a pickle, Hayes. I’m sorry, buddy. I’m afraid things are about to blow up. I thought I had more time,” I say, moving my son to my shoulder to burp him. I know I need to talk to Hudson. Maybe Raven adding him to the schedule isn’t a bad thing. It will be the two of us. We can hash this out and move on. Well, I hope that’s what happens. I have this feeling in my gut life is about to change. I just wish I knew what kind of change is coming, so I can try to prepare.



The shrill sound of my cell phone has me bolting out of bed and reaching for the device on my nightstand. “Hello,” I answer, squinting to look at the time on my alarm clock. It’s just a few minutes after six in the morning.

“Hudson. It’s Jake.”

“What’s going on? Are you all right?” I ask, moving to the edge of the bed. He never calls this early, meaning he probably needs help.

“I’m fine, but I do have a favor.”

“What do you need?”

“I’m supposed to see Riley and sit with her today, grab her lunch, those kinds of things, but they just called me into work. I’m supposed to be off today. I took a vacation day. They’re offering me triple time to come in. The line was down all weekend, and they’re behind.”

“You want me to take your place with Riles?”

“Do you mind? I talked to Raven last night, and she mentioned adding you to the schedule. I know you just got home, and I wasn’t sure what you had going on, but damn, triple time,” he sighs. “That’s hard to pass up.”

“I can do it.” He has no idea that this is the opening I’ve been waiting for—time with Riley without any interruptions. “Dad is home and doing well. The store and the farm are covered. They weren’t expecting me home this soon.”

“Great. I’ll call Raven later and tell her to put me on your day later in the week. I owe you one.”

“Any special instructions?”

“Nope. Rave just said to make sure she’s fed and to make sure she’s also napping since the baby is up every three to four hours to eat.”

“I’m on it,” I assure him.

“Thanks, man. I owe you.” He ends the call, and I’m suddenly wide awake.

This is my chance. I’ll be there for her today, and we can talk. I can tell her what she means to me and let the cards fall where they may. She’s been standoffish since I got back. I know I’m going to have to fight for her, for them, but I’m up for the challenge.