“She is. She’s my friend, but she’s so much more.”

“Told you,” Dad boasts.

“How did you know?” I ask him.

“The way you watched her when you thought no one was looking. Those girls have spent a lot of time at our place, and I might be the quiet one of our duo-” he blows Mom a kiss“but I’m also observant.”

“That poor girl. She’s gone through so much. That guy she was seeing” Mom starts, then her wide eyes find mine.

“It’s fine. I know she had a baby. I actually ran into them as they were leaving the hospital when I got here.”

“I wasn’t sure when she was being released. They’ve all been in here to visit your dad, and I stopped in there last night once I heard she’d had the baby. He’s a cutie,” Mom comments.

“He’s tiny,” I reply.

“Well?” Dad asks.

“Well, what?” I know what he’s asking, and I’m not sure how much I want to tell them.

“What are you going to do to get the girl?” he asks.

“I don’t really know. Obviously, she has more than just herself to think about now.”

“She’s a package deal, Hudson.”

“I know that.” My tone is a little bitter.

“You need to make sure you understand the responsibility that comes with raising a child.”

“Trust me. I’ve had months to think about it.” I pause. “I’m in love with her. If she lets me, I’ll love them both.”

“Aw,” Mom says as her eyes mist with tears.

“I know I have my work cut out for me, but she’s worth it.” I look at my dad, and he’s just watching me. “What?”

“I’m proud of the man you are, Hudson. I wasn’t sure how you would take her being with someone else, and when he left her…” He shakes his head in disgust. “I wasn’t sure how you would feel about her son. I knew that you were going to be upset about her being with someone other than you.”

“He’s a part of her. I’ll love them both.” My tone leaves zero room for either of them to doubt me. “As far as her being with someone else. She wasn’t mine. Not officially. Not in her eyes, and that’s on me. I’m going to change that.” I don’t tell them about our night together because even though we’re close, I don’t tell them everything. That’s taking it too far. Not only that but I’m telling her secrets too, not just my own, and I wouldn’t do that to her. She loves my parents, and they her. I would never tell them something that I think might make her uncomfortable to be around them.

“Why are you still sitting here?” Dad asks.

“What?” I ask, confused. Did I not just tell them that I’m home for good? Maybe I need to go get the doctor.

“Why are you still sitting here talking about it? You need to go get your girl.”

“I can’t just barge in on her.”

“You know as well as I do, everyone is at her place right now,” Mom chimes in. “You really love her, Hudson?”

“I do.”

“Then go.” She pushes against my arm. “Go get her. We’re fine here.”

“I haven’t seen you in months, and you’re trying to get rid of me. I see how I rank.” I laugh. I hate that he’s here lying in a hospital bed. I hate that I left and wasn’t here to help. He’s too young to be having heart problems. I left my family, I left Riley, and that has my gut twisting with so much regret.

“You know I love you, but we’re good here. Dad and I are going to play some cards and watch some crappy TV, and then tomorrow he’ll be home.”

“I’m good, Son. I promise.”

I nod. “It’s not going to be easy.”

“Nothing worth having ever is. It took me months to win your mother over.”

“I love her. Like, marry her, love her.” It feels damn good to be able to say those words out loud to someone other than Clayton.

“Good. I’m ready to be a grandma, and that little boy is just precious.” Mom smiles.

“I love you both,” I blurt, feeling myself get choked up. My parents have always given me their unwavering support. That’s the kind of parent I want to be. My mind goes to the little man who gripped my fingers not an hour ago, and my heart squeezes in my chest. He’s so damn tiny.

“Hudson?” Dad calls out my name, and I snap out of my thoughts. “Go. Get the girl.”

I lean over and give Mom a one-armed hug before standing and doing the same with Dad. “Call me, and I’ll pick the two of you up tomorrow.”

“Not necessary.” Mom waves me off. “I have my van here. I’ll keep you posted and let you know when we’ll be home.”

“You better.” I point at her.

“And you better keep me up to date on project Marry Riley.” She grins.