“You all set?” Raven asks.

My hands move to rest on my small bump all on their own. “Yes.” I’m barely able to contain my smile, even with the thought of Hudson and him rejecting our baby. Today is the day I find out the sex of the baby. Nothing can bring me down.

“I’m driving,” she says, holding up her keys.

“You know, pregnant women are allowed to drive,” I say sarcastically.

“I know, but you’re going to be jazzed and probably emotional after the appointment, so I’m driving. Besides, I’m buying my niece or nephew their first outfit, so we have to stop after your appointment.” She grins.

How can I argue with that? “Fair enough,” I concede. Grabbing my purse, we make our way out to her car.

“Where’s your coat?” she asks once I’m in the passenger seat with my seat belt secured.

“It’s in the house. You know I’ve been running hot these days.” I rub my belly.

“It’s November.”


“In Kentucky.”


“Riles,” she groans. “What if we have car trouble?”

“Where is your coat?” I fire back at her.

“I have on this sweater.”

“And I have on a sweater as well.”

“Yeah, but you’re pregnant.”

“Again, pregnant doesn’t mean car trouble or that I’m going to freeze to death if the temperature drops.”

“Where is it?” she asks, reaching for her door handle.

I place my hand on her arm to stop her. “Raven, I’m fine. I promise.”

“I You and this baby are my family.” She reaches over and places her hand on my small bump. “This baby is our family. We’re in short supply of that these days, and I just don’t want anything to happen to either of you.”

My shoulders deflate, and the fight leaves me. “I’m sorry. You have taken such great care of us. You’re going to be the best aunt,” I assure her. “My coat is in the hall closet,” I say, handing her the keys to my house. “Grab one for you while you’re in there,” I tell her, and she smiles.

“I’ll be right back.”

I watch as she jogs up the front porch and unlocks the door disappearing inside. “You’re so loved, little one,” I tell my baby. Tears prick my eyes, but I swallow them back. I need to get myself in order before my overprotective twin sister comes back. Opening up the glove box, I look for tissues or a napkin or something, and an envelope falls out. I’d recognize the handwriting anywhere.


With shaking hands, I look at the postmark from just four short weeks ago. Not even worrying about violating their privacy, I pull out the single sheet of paper and begin to read.


It’s beautiful here. You would love it. We’re all definitely going to need to come back one day. Maybe we can get the group together and come and visit Clay. He misses you, you know. Of course, you know. This is Clayton we’re talking about.

I’m glad the salon has been busy. You and Riley have built a great business. You should both be proud. I’m proud as hell of both of you. You’ve had so much loss in your lives, but you never let it stop you from living each day. Nothing can stop the Burke sisters.

We’re still working long hours and crashing each night. It’s been nice to get away, but I’m missing home more than I can explain. In fact, I’m barely keeping my eyes open as I write this, so I need to go. I’ll write more later. Thank you for the care package. Even though it’s not here yet, I’m sure it’s going to be filled with all the goodness of home.

Talk soon.


The tears are now streaming freely down my cheeks as I fumble with the letter, folding it and shoving it back into the glove box. I try to get myself under control, but I can’t seem to stop the tears, which is why Raven looks at me like I’m going into labor when she slides back behind the wheel.

“What’s wrong? The baby?” she asks, panicked, making me laugh. “Riley!” she scolds.

“I’m fine. Pregnancy hormones.” It’s not a complete lie. I have been a lot more emotional since finding out I’m pregnant. “I’m okay, I promise,” I assure her.

“Sheesh. You can’t do that to me.” She tosses two coats into the back seat, then fastens her seat belt, and we’re on our way.

“Thank you for coming with me today.”

“Are you kidding me? Of course I’m here. Even if the sperm donor was here, I’d still want to be involved.”

I wince internally. Something I didn’t lie about, but I didn’t correct her. Raven assumed the father was the fake guy I had a fake date with in Jessup. I didn’t correct her. I didn’t know how. I need to set the record straight, but the more I think about it, do I really? I don’t want our friends to hold the existence of our baby against him. So he doesn’t want to be a father. That’s his choice, and it was mine to keep this baby. Sure, I thought I would be a mom after I was a wife, but that’s not the hand I was dealt, and I’ve made peace with that.