“That’s a big step, Hudson.”

“I know.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

“I’m ready. The question is, are you? Can you see it? Can you picture making this our home?” I hold my breath as I wait for my answer. Thankfully, it comes quickly.

“I can see it.”

My arms tighten around her. “Is that a yes?”

Her head falls back against my shoulder, and I bury my face in her neck. “That’s a yes,” she whispers. She turns in my arms and places her hands flat on my chest. “I love you, and I want the life you just described. I want that life with you.”

I cheer, lifting her off the floor and spinning her around. “When?” I ask when I put her back on her feet.

She shrugs. “When are you ready for us?”

“Now. Tonight. Can we stay here tonight?”

“Sure, I mean, we’ll need to paint the nursery. I’d still like to keep it the way it is at my place. There was a lot of planning that went into that.”

“Done.” I reach for my phone in my back pocket and pull up my group text with the guys.

Me: Riles and my boy are moving in. I need help with the nursery at my place and moving her—free beer and eats.

Jake: I’m in.

Bruce: Took you long enough.

Brett: When?

Me: This weekend?

All three reply with one single word. Done. Satisfied, I slide my phone back into my pocket. “The guys are coming over this weekend to help us move everything. Let’s go get our boy, or we can leave him with Mom. I don’t care what we do, but we’re going to get paint for his room.”

“Just like that?” She smiles.

“Just like that.” I kiss her before lacing our fingers together and leading her outside to my truck.

I’ve wanted to ask her to move in with me for a while, and I’m glad I didn’t ask her right away. I think she’s ready to take the next step. Something tells me that the next time that I ask her, she’s going to agree to marry me, and all will be right in the world, at least in mine.



“Something tells me that last night was our last night to stay at my place,” I say, falling back onto the couch at Hudson’s place.

“This is your home.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I know that this is your home. Change it, paint it, add all the girly pillows. I don’t care what you do as long as this is the place you and our son call home.”

“Hudson Fleming, who would have known you were such a smooth talker,” I tease.

“Only with you, baby. Now, speaking of babies. I’m going to go pick Hayes up from my parents. You can sit here and chill or start unpacking.”

“You’re a packing machine. It was supposed to be a night.” I look around at the multiple boxes and suitcases that litter the living room.

“Yeah, well, I’m not giving you the chance to change your mind. I can help when I get back, or the boxes can stay there for all I care. As long as you two are sleeping under this roof, I’m happy.” He stands, comes to lean over where I’m sitting on the couch, and kisses me softly.

“You want me to come with you?”

“Nah, I’ll be right back.” One more sweet kiss, and he’s out the door.

I look at all the boxes and suitcases, and even though I’m exhausted, there’s this excitement that races through my veins, knowing that as soon as I unpack, my things will be mixed with his.

Standing, I grab a suitcase handle for each hand and roll them down the hall to the master bedroom. I don’t really know where I’m supposed to put my things. I pull open the double dresser and find an empty drawer. I open the rest of the drawers, and they’re all empty. When I go to the other side, they’re full of his things.

With tears in my eyes, I survey the room. The right side of the bed is clearly his. It’s easy to tell because he sleeps on that side at my place too, but it’s the image of the three of us, one his mom took a few weeks ago when we were visiting that tells me for sure that’s the side he’s been sleeping on. It sits in a frame on the nightstand on that side of the bed.

That’s when I realize there are two chest dressers, one on each side of the room. Walking to the one on the right, I pull open the drawer and find it full of his things. My heart hammers in my chest as I make my way to the left side of the room and pull open the drawer.

It’s empty.

And my heart is full.

I already know there are his-and-her closets, and he’s told me at least three times today that mine is ready to be filled, but I didn’t expect this. Suddenly, I can’t be unpacked fast enough. I’m rushing, not even bothering to refold my clothes. I can do that later. I just need to fill the empty spaces he’s left open for me. In a matter of no time, I have both suitcases unpacked and in the bottom of my closet.