
“Exactly.” He bends and places a kiss on my cheek. “You’re going to do great, Riles.” With that, he leaves the room.

I’ve just closed my eyes when April steps into the room with tears in her eyes. “Hey,” she says, wiping at her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Rick. Hudson’s dad.”

My heart starts to thunder in my chest, and the monitor goes crazy. “What about Rick?”

“He’s here in the hospital. He had a heart attack.”

I try to sit up, but a contraction hits. I breathe through the pain. “Is he okay?”

“We don’t know. All we know is that he was brought in by the squad yesterday morning. Brett’s cousin, Anthony, is an EMT and texted him. He’s not even supposed to do that. He knows how close Brett and Hudson are and that Hudson is gone for a few more months. He thought Janice could use the support.”

“Yes, of course, go to her.” I wave her out of the room.

“The guys are all with her.”

“The guys? Come on. She needs a woman to hug her. Go be with her.” I wave her out of the room once more. “And find Raven. She’s going to be devastated.”

“What about you? You’ve both grown up with the Flemings.”

“My heart hurts,” I confess. “But I can’t be there. No matter how bad I wish I could be, I can’t be there for her, but you can. Please, April. Go find Raven and go to Janice.”

“Someone needs to be here with you.”

“I’m fine. And seriously, what is wrong with the gossipers in this town? My pregnancy spread like wildfire and the fact that the dad isn’t around, but something we all need to know stays quiet. I wish Janice would have called us.”

“She knows how close you are to delivering, and I’m sure she didn’t want to add any stress to you or the baby.”

“Yeah, but she could have called one of us.”

“I’d say she’s been pretty busy, Riles.”

“You’re right.” I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. Me being upset isn’t good for the baby. I wish I could tell her that my child’s grandfather just had a freaking heart attack, and I have the right to be upset, but I can’t. I’ve buried myself so far into this lie I don’t ever see a way out.

I can’t stop staring at my son: my tiny six-pound, seven-ounce, and nineteen-inch-long baby boy. Fourteen hours after I was admitted, he made his grand entrance into the world. I’m lucky, though. I only had about thirty minutes of hard labor before my baby boy let out his first cry.

“Baby hog,” Raven mutters.

“Last time I checked, I was the one who endured labor and carried him for nine months. I think I’ve earned the right.”

“Hmpf.” She tries to act annoyed, but her smile gives her away.

“You’ve already held him,” Brett complains. “It’s my turn.” He points at Raven in a warning.

“You hear that, bud? They’re already fighting over who gets to hold you,” I tell my sleeping baby boy in my arms.

“You getting out of here anytime soon or what?” Bruce asks.

“Yeah. You have to stay for twenty-four hours after vaginal birth. Because he was born at the ass crack of dawn, that made me have to stay overnight again last night. I’m just waiting on my discharge papers, and we’re out of here.” I point at mine and baby boy’s packed bags.

“Ah.” Jacob covers his ears. “Don’t need to hear anything vaginal, Riles,” he says with a shudder. Raven smacks him lightly on the arm, and he grins.

“The biggest question,” Darcey speaks up, “is his name. We’ve been waiting forever,” she says dramatically.

I look around the room at all of my friends and my sister. They were supposed to come in two at a time, but all six of them piled in just after I was finished getting dressed for the day. I’m so ready to head home. Ready and nervous.

“Hayes David Burke.” I hold my breath, waiting for one of them to put together that I gave him Hudson’s initials. Well, sort of. His last name is Burke for obvious reasons. I wanted my son to have something of his father, even if he refuses to acknowledge him. I don’t know what’s going to happen in a few months when he gets home. I smile down at Hayes. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

“Well, I believe this is breaking hospital policy.” My nurse, Sara, laughs. “I’ve got your discharge papers, Riley.”

“Thank you. Guys, you can go. Once we get through this, we’re out of here,” I tell them.

“We’re headed to your place,” Bruce tells me. “We’re stopping to grab some food on the way. Any requests?”

“Surprise me.”

He nods. “We’ll see you soon.”

I watch as my friends wave and leave the room. My heart is full of love. I’m so grateful to have them all in my life. I can’t help but worry how that might change when and if they find out that Hudson is Hayes’s father.