Page 24 of Office Date

“Fucking Orange Iguanas. Who even comes up with that as a competitive name?” he says.

I snort. “Right, or the Purple Parrots, go cry little birdies into your nest!”

Jack hangs his head. “This has gone downhill so very fast. And all we wanted was a 401K.”

I burst out laughing. “Or to be able to afford rent, but yeah, and now we’re competing against them. Have we talked about the Blue Barracudas? Because I distinctly remember them always winning.”

Jack sighs. “Of course, that’s Anderson’s team.”

“Of course,” I agree.

We’ve been standing in this weird course for the last ten minutes while people run around. There are cameras, which, of course, means we’re getting televised to either Max or the world. Who knows at this point anymore? There’s a huge film crew as well as people moving objects around that I’m pretty sure I’m going to be jumping over or falling into.

It’s like the Indiana Jones ride at Disney, only worse because you don’t get to sit in a nice little seat and get shoved through the thing—you’ve got to experience it.

I reach for Jack’s hand and grab on.

The rest of the teams left, Anderson and Jude being the ones behind us with the other two girls whose names I keep forgetting because, well, I’m focused on Jack and me, the Silver Snake Squad.

I take a deep breath as the lights around us lower then flicker back on again, and like a bad dream, or you know, Satan, Max appears in front of us with Dustin.

“Welcome, welcome!” He claps his hands. He’s wearing an all-black suit and looking as debonair as ever with his brown hair slicked back. How does his wife even do this? I truly want to know. “I hope you’re all surprised with our temple!” He spreads his arms wide. “This will be the second to the last challenge you’ll face; the next one will be mental; this one will be obviously more physical as you propel your tiny little bodies through the challenge course and attempt to grab your medallions without getting caught by the soldiers or Olmec!”

Jack flinches next to me.

I squeeze his hand tighter.

“Every one of you will be given a fair chance for your medallions; once you pass your challenges, you’ll enter the temple and search each room until you can complete all three pieces. Nostalgia’s huge right now, so we will be including The Moat, Steps of Knowledge, Temple Games, and finally the Temple Run.”

“Shit,” Jack says under his breath. “That’s the worst one. They fucking chase you!”

“Shh!” I elbow him in the ribs.

“Is that your thing now? Just bruising my ribs?” He gives me major side-eye, and I momentarily forget he’s about ready to pass out from fear. He’s so pretty, his perfect mouth that I’ve tasted way too many times, and his effortless hair, it’s like the model hair flip that everyone wishes they could do but can’t really execute. Swear sometimes he’s in slow motion.

I give my head a shake to get all the thoughts out. “Yes, that’s my thing. Until we win this, that’s my thing.”

“Noted,” he whispers.

I stand closer as Max continues to talk about all the wonderful horrors we’re about to experience. Everyone’s wearing their shirts, and we are given the choice to grab some black spandex leggings to make it easier in the water.

Jack sighs. “That’s definitely going to show my junk.”

“Been there, seen that.” I go to elbow him again, only to have him spin me around and pull me against him.

My breath hitches.

“No more elbowing the same spot. Pick a different one.” He winks. “And if Olmec kills me, know it was worth it to hold you like this.”

I want to punch him.

How dare he be sweet?


And make me fall.


I lift my chin. “He’s a rock. You’ll survive.”

“If you say so.” He kisses my forehead, and I know everyone sees despite them all grabbing spandex. I know Max sees, Dustin too.

And I don’t really care because his kiss felt warm, and it felt right.

How did this even happen?

He looks down at me, then clears his throat and pulls away. “We should probably get ready, yeah?”

“Sure, yeah,” I agree, rubbing my arms up and down as if I’m in a blizzard and need to get warm again. I do a small circle, then feel a tap on my shoulder. Jack hands me the spandex. Wait, was he holding them this entire time? “Oh, whoops!”

“Distracted?” he asks with that sexy smile of his.

I snatch the spandex out of his hands. “Just nervous my partner’s gonna shit his pants.”

He glowers. “Wait until you see Olmec. Then you’ll know.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, because rocks that talk and aren’t real terrify me to the point of a nervous breakdown in my twenties.”

His eyes widen. “Take it back!”

I lean forward and flick him on the chest. “Never. Now, go change.”