“Yes, sir,” they say in unison, but as soon as he walks off, Diesel bursts into the B&B, yelling at them to wait up. I shake my head and put my dishes in the tub.

“What’s so damn funny?” I finally ask as I reposition my hat.

“We pranked someone, and they’re pissed,” Diesel states.

“It better not have been Kaitlyn.”

They laugh harder, and Diesel’s nearly gasping for air.

“You’re messin’ with dynamite. She’ll explode on y’all without apology.”

“There’s a problem with that. Kaitlyn doesn’t know it was us,” Riley says like he’s smarter than my sister. Spoiler alert—he’s not.

I shake my head and look at Ethan because I thought he was smarter than those two idiots. “I can’t believe you let Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum rope you into these shenanigans. What did y’all do?”

Ethan zips his mouth, locks it, then throws away the pretend key. “They threatened me, so I can’t say shit.”

“Fine. Maybe I’ll text and ask her what happened today, then accidentally tell her who’s responsible.”

“Okay, okay,” Diesel says. “We put her truck on blocks.”

“You did what?” Payton asks from behind me.

Riley snickers. “She cursed me out, then threatened to slit my tires for parkin’ behind her the other day when I came for lunch. Apparently, I was makin’ her late to a training session. She cursed me out real good, so this is payback.”

“I feel sorry for y’all when she finds out,” Payton warns. “Real sorry for ya.”

“As long as you two keep your damn mouths shut, she won’t know.”

I laugh. “I ain’t gettin’ involved in any of this. When she burns your houses down, just remember this day.”

Payton and I go back to the truck, and we’re both shaking our heads.

“You’re gonna tell her, aren’t ya?” I ask him because I know they’re good friends.

“Nah. But if she asks for help getting them back, I’m fuckin’ game.”

“They started a shitstorm.”

“She’ll destroy them like a tornado,” he confirms as we arrive at the facility.

I go into the office as Payton goes to get Juniper Blossom ready. We’ve got a few hours, but I make sure all the release forms and disclosures are signed along with the total for the final payment. Once I do all that, I find Payton.

“Got’er together?”

“Yep, just waitin’ for her owner.”


Before I make it to my office, my cell buzzes in my pocket. When I pull it out, I see a notification from my sister.

Kaitlyn: You responsible for this shit?

She sends a picture with her truck suspended on concrete blocks. The tires are stacked in a pile beside it. I wonder how early those fools got up to do this and still have time for breakfast before their shift.

Kane: Hell no. I would never.

Kaitlyn: You know who did?

Now, this is a question I don’t want to answer. They’ll know either Payton or I told Kaitlyn, and they’ll retaliate against us. I don’t have time for their games, at least not until Knox gets back.

“I told her,” Payton says with a chuckle. “They’re done.”

Kaitlyn: Never mind. Riley and Diesel, even Ethan are dead meat! They just started WW3!

Kane: Don’t do anything dangerous.

Kaitlyn: They. Fucked. Up. That’s all I’m saying.

“Ya think I should give Diesel and Riley a warning?” I ask.

“Nah, they made their bed, now they’re gonna get buried in it. Riley shoulda just ignored her temper. He brought it to this level.”

“Yeah, you’re right. But I’m staying out of this.”

Payton and I walk around the property to do a perimeter check on the fence lines of the segregated pastures. It’s something we do each Monday just to make sure we don’t have any escapees. Since we’re responsible for other people’s horses, it’s important they stay safe and are well taken care of. While we have insurance to cover any sort of disaster that could happen, we must avoid it at all costs. We have a reputation to uphold.

Before the clock strikes eight, I see a large diesel truck pulling a gooseneck horse trailer kicking up dust.

“Mr. Henderson’s here,” Payton leans into the office and tells me.

“Thanks,” I say and go outside to meet them in their vehicle.

“Howdy,” Mr. Henderson says, and we exchange handshakes. This time his wife stayed home. “You think my mare took?”

“Yes, sir. Considering how things have gone, I’d almost guarantee it.”

“That’s good news. Hopefully Juniper ain’t the exception.”

“They’ve been cozy,” Payton explains.

Mr. Henderson grins wide. “Good.”

He follows me into the office, signs the forms, pays the final bill, and then Payton loads her up.

“Don’t forget to send us some pictures once the foal is born,” I remind him as we pass the wall full of all the babies our studs are responsible for.

“I won’t.” He gives us each a final handshake and then is on his way.

It took about an hour to take care of everything, and while Payton cleaned the stall, I check my phone.