Our pants and moans fill the room, and I know I won’t be able to last much longer when he flips and bends me over the bed. He slams into me so goddamn hard that my vision blurs. The orgasm takes hold in a blink.

“Shit,” he groans out, digging his strong fingers into my hips and skin. “Your pussy’s squeezing me so tight.”

And within seconds, we’re unraveling together, both catapulted to another world. One where only we exist together and forever. When we come down from our high and clean up, Kane pulls me into his arms.

We hold each other completely satiated.

“There’s something I wanna talk to you about,” he admits, rubbing my arm.

“Mm,” I say, so relaxed I nearly fall asleep.

“Move in with me?”

I tilt my head so I can fully meet his gaze. A laugh escapes me. “I already practically live with you.”

“I know, but I want you officially living here. I want all your shit scattered around my bathroom permanently and your panties on my floor each night. But really, I want to wake up to you every morning.”

I grin and slide my lips across his, knowing this means we’re really going to the next level. And who knows, maybe an engagement, wedding, and a baby in the near future. Something I’ve always wanted and dreamed about.

“That sounds amazing,” I admit.

“So that’s a yes?” he asks.

“It’s a hell yes.”




I've been looking forward to celebrating Ivy's birthday in New York City for a long time. I'll be thirty-one in four months, and this will be my first time traveling to the East Coast. I'm not sure who's more excited about this trip, but when she sees what I have planned for her special day, it'll be a moment neither of us will forget.

For the first time in my life, I'll be dropping down to one knee and asking the love of my life if she'll be my wife

* * *


Most people do a bar crawl or go partying on their twenty-first birthday, but I couldn't be less interested in that. Instead, I'm in the Big Apple with the man I've crushed on for half of my life.

“I can't believe I'm inside the infamous New York Public Library!” I whisper-shout as Kane leads us through the Rose Main reading room. “The photos online don't do it justice.”

“No, they don’t. It's even more beautiful in person,” he agrees. “But not more than you.” He flashes me a wink, and I shake my head.

Even after two years together, Kane never forgets to tell me how much he loves me and how pretty I am. It's impossible not to fall harder for him each day.

We've been living together for a while, and I never grow tired of spending time with him. Our schedules have been chaotic, so we both need this time away. I'm working full-time with Harper, and recently, Kane started taking custom orders for leather journals on top of the stud farm operation. When he planned this surprise trip, I could hardly contain my excitement. I've always wanted to visit New York City, and touring the public library was a bucket list item.

“Wanna take a picture together?” Kane asks.

“Ahh yes! Of course!” I beam, searching for the perfect background.

Kane finds a nice older lady and quietly gives her a few instructions while I wait. When he returns, he wraps his arm around me, and we smile.

“Let's do one more,” Kane mutters, and I agree with a nod.

The lady gives us a thumbs-up.

“Oh shoot, my shoe's untied.” Kane kneels, but then I remember he's wearing boots.

When I turn to watch what he's doing, he's down on one knee and holding up a black velvet box with a smirk.

My eyes widen as he opens it and reveals a diamond ring.

“Ivy Rose Callaway, I love you more than words could ever express, and nothing in this world would make me happier than having you as my wife. So would you do me the honor of marrying me?” His words are just above a whisper but loud enough for me to hear. I’m shocked this is happening right here and now.

“Yes, yes, oh my God, yes!” I try to hold back my excitement but fail. I cover my mouth once I realize how loud I am in the library. Kane quickly stands and swoops me in for a hug.

“I love you so much,” I tell him, then smack my lips to his. “I can't believe you planned all this.”

“I knew how much you'd love it and wanted it to be extra special.”

“Like I've said from the very beginning, you were written by a woman.”

“And you were made just for me, future Mrs. Kane Bishop.”

“Oh my gosh, I love the sound of that.”

The woman who had Kane’s phone brings it over to us. “Congrats, kids! I got it all on video.”