“Kane Bishop! I know you're home! Open the door!”

The two of us jolt upright in bed. There’s no way we can ignore Hadleigh's loud screaming and banging.

“Oh shit,” Ivy mutters.

“I thought you said she was cool with us being together?” I rush around to find my shorts and slide them on.

“She was!” Ivy screeches, searching for her clothes.

“Should I put on the cup just in case?” I ask with amusement, but deep inside, I'm not kidding. She might actually punch me in the nuts.

“I'm not against bargin' in! So y'all better be dressed!” Hadleigh shouts again.

“Fuck,” I murmur. “I'm comin'!” I yell back.

I slip on a pair of jeans while Ivy gets hers on. Then I sprint to the front door before Hadleigh kicks it open.

“What in the world?” I ask breathlessly.

“You slept with my baby sister!” She steps in, pointing her finger at my chest. “You took her virginity!”

I hold up my hands in surrender so she doesn't try to kick my ass because I've never seen her so worked up.

“Hads, what’re you doin'?” Ivy asks, coming around me. “You said you were happy for us?”

“I am!” She beams, relaxing her shoulders. “Doesn't mean I'm passin’ on my right as your big sister to bust his balls.”

“Jesus Christ.” My arms drop. “I legit thought you were about to try to hurt me,” I breathe out in relief.

“Try?” she mocks. “If I wanted to, I could.”

“Considering y'all’s history, I think ya should call it even.” Ivy gives her a knowing look, and I somewhat hate that she knows about our past, but it's never been a secret. It’s not even a big deal anymore, especially since it’s been over two years.

“Okay, fair enough,” Hadleigh concedes. “You're lucky you're my best friend, or I would've karate chopped your dick in half.”

“So you're really okay with this?” I confirm, hugging Ivy against my side. “Or am I gonna wake up in the middle of the night with a knife to my throat?”

“I think y'all make a cute couple, but you make her cry one tear, and I'll come locked and loaded.”

I take a step forward, then pull Hadleigh into a hug. “As your best friend, I promise I'd never do anything to harm your sister. I'm in love with her.”

“Aw...you didn't tell me that, Ivy.” Hadleigh pulls us in for a group hug. “I really am happy for y'all. If there's anyone good enough for my sister, it's my best friend.”




I can’t believe I only have one semester of college left, and then I’ll officially be Harper’s business partner.

“Did you grab the extra candy from the back seat?” I ask Kane as I pull a box of supplies from my trunk.

“Yep,” he tells me, holding the two large witch cauldrons in his hands. Even though Kane offered me his truck, I loaded everything in my car yesterday. I wanted to prove to Harper how independent and dedicated I am.

Today, Harper has given me an incredible opportunity to run a booth at the fall festival. Over the last few months, she’s shared more with me about the business and has been testing my strengths and weaknesses. It’s the reason proving myself to her today is so important to me.

Harper knows I’m an introverted bookworm and that public appearances are out of my comfort zone, but I appreciate how much she believes in me.

“Don’t be nervous,” Kane whispers in my ear as I pull a wagon with our inventory in it.

“I’m just so glad you’re here,” I admit. “I honestly feel like I can do anything with you by my side.”

He waggles his brows. “Anything?”

“Okay, not anything, but ya know what I mean. It’s gonna take a lot for me to explore voyeurism. That’s all I’m sayin’.”

“One day,” he says just as we arrive at our bright orange tent with a giant inflatable pumpkin on top. Kane had a few of the ranch hands set up our tables, tent, and some minor decorations so all we’d have to do is arrive and put out the products.

“Oh wow.” I can’t help but gasp because it’s amazing. “We’re gonna be the talk of the town.”

“Considering I’m dressed like a stick of butter and you’re Paula Deen, I’d say we already are.”

I snicker, fixing my gray wig, and pull my spatula from my back pocket. “Hey, we look cute, and you know it’s hilarious!”

“It’s pretty fuckin’ funny. I woulda never thought of it.”

“I’m just happy the ladies at your grandma’s quilt club volunteered to sew your costume. They were in stitches over it.”

“Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me.” He pulls out the small shelves and slides them together. After the table is fully set up, I check the time and see we still have twenty minutes before the gates officially open.

“Check out all those people lined up to come in.”