“That's right, baby. Because you were made for me. My sweet Ivy Rose.”

Within seconds, I'm screaming through an orgasm and shattering against the bed. Kane slams into me a few more times before groaning out his release, and then we collapse next to each other.

Panting is all that can be heard as we stare at one another.

“I love you,” I tell him.

He pulls me into his arms and kisses my lips. “I love you so much. Don't ever leave me again.”

“I won't as long as you never give me a reason to.”

One side of his mouth tilts up. “Deal.” Then he cups my chin and adds, “That's a promise I intend to keep forever.”



Having Ivy back in my arms is the best feeling in the world, and I never want to live without her again.

I screwed up by allowing Raelyn to think we were still together, but I quickly set her straight. Now, she's free to screw as many guys as she wants. I’d forgotten about her until she waltzed into the B&B—proof that I never really had feelings for her to begin with. Her asking for a break was the best thing that happened to me in a long time.

It brought me Ivy—the woman who’s curled up next to me after thoroughly making up last night. I'm deeply in love with her and want to spend the rest of our lives together.

Ivy stirs, and I squeeze her a bit tighter. “Good mornin',” I whisper.

“Morning.” Her eyes blink open. “What time is it? Aren't you late for work?”

“I told Knox I was takin' a personal day. He replied with eggplant and cherry emojis.”

“Oh my God.” She buries her face into my chest. “Hadleigh told him.”

“Oh yeah.” I chuckle. “Also, my grandma texted back. She wants us to come over for lunch.”

Her head pops up. “Today?”

“Yep. I figured you'd be okay with it, so we’re going over at noon.”

Ivy's eyes widen in horror. “I can't go lookin' like the walk of shame.”

“You've got an hour.”

“Shit, shit, shit.” She scrambles out of bed, and I laugh as she runs to the bathroom.

While she showers, I make a pot of coffee, then get dressed. When I texted Grandma last night, she replied with a “Called it” GIF. I didn't even know she knew how to do those.

She responded this morning with a lunch invitation, and I figured it was time for us to rip off the Band-Aid.

Now we just need to inform my parents.

“I was thinkin' we'd stop by the barn to visit my parents before we go eat,” I tell her as she gets dressed. “Might as well announce us being official to my folks right away too.”

Ivy's face pales.

“Baby, it's gonna be fine.” I squeeze her shoulders. “I promise.”

“I just worry they're going to think I'm too young for you. I know I shouldn't care about others' opinions, but I want your family to like me.”

“They already do,” I reassure her.

“As Hadleigh's younger sister, not your girlfriend,” she counters.

“They're very accepting and will be happy for us.”

She nods. “I just hope you’re right.”

Once Ivy's ready, I drive us to the training facility. When we get out of the truck, I take Ivy's hand, and we walk inside.

“Kane!” my mom greets. “Hi, Ivy.” She looks at our interlocked fingers and smiles, then motions between us. “You two?”

“Two what?” Dad chimes in, walking over. When he realizes what Mom's talking about, he adds, “Oh.”

“What in the world? When did this happen?” Kaitlyn blurts out as she rounds the corner and joins us.

“Kaitlyn Rose!” Mom scolds.

“What? I think it's great, but now I'm officially the last single person on this ranch. Might as well carve my name in the old oak tree, Kaitlyn + No One.”

I chuckle at her dramatics as Ivy blushes.

“Don't forget the heart with True love forever inside,” I add.

Kaitlyn glares. “Yeah, thanks.”

“Anyway...” I linger. “We're off to have lunch at Grandma's.”

“Ivy, you promised you weren't having kids before me. Don't forget that.” Kaitlyn shakes her finger at her.

“Don't worry, we aren't rushing.” Ivy grins at me. “At least not until we're married.”

Kaitlyn folds her arms over her chest. “Okay, fair enough. I'll go to the sperm bank when you get engaged. That way, I'll be nice and pregnant for the wedding and won't have to hear anyone askin' when it's my turn.”

“Ignore her,” Mom interjects, pushing Kaitlyn toward the stalls. “We're happy to see you two together. Y'all make a cute couple.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Two Bishops with two Callaways. Y'all could run your own country with that bloodline.” Dad winks.

“I can't even legally drink, so not quite.” Ivy lets out a nervous laugh.

“You let me know if he ain't treatin' ya right, okay?” Dad tells her, then gives me a look.

I roll my eyes. “Remind me to fill you in on the story of how my father waited to kiss my mom until the night before she was gettin’ married to another man.”