My life isn’t a romance novel, even if it felt like one at times. Kane had me fooled. Like my mother always said—play stupid games, win stupid prizes. In the end, I lost, and while it’s dramatic, I don’t know how I’ll ever look at another man again.

I saw how Raelyn acted toward him. I heard what she said, and right now, I need time to think before I can face him.

Before I head to work, I make a cup of coffee. I’m running on little to no sleep, but calling in won’t help. Today, I need a distraction. After I change clothes, I grab my keys, then leave. I dreadfully drive toward the ranch and take a quick detour on the way to the warehouse. When I pass Kane’s house, I spot a car in his driveway, and my stomach drops.

Adrenaline rushes through me when I think about Raelyn staying overnight. Was she in his bed, the same bed I’d kept warm the night before? I grab the steering wheel tighter and press on the gas.

When I arrive at the shop, I grab my earbuds, needing to get lost in a book, one without a romantic subplot. Harper gives me a grin, and I force a smile when she tells me good morning. After she goes over everything that needs to be completed, she searches my face.

“You okay?” she asks.

“Sorry, I’m just in a bad mood,” I admit, and she doesn’t push me any further.

“If you need anything, let me know,” she states, and we go our separate ways, trying to get as many things marked off our task lists as possible. Right now, we’re working on the fall scents, a reminder that the seasons will be changing in a few months—just like my life.

The morning passes in a blink, and eventually, Harper speaks up. “I’m gonna leave for lunch. Want me to grab you something?”

I give her a small smile. “Nah, I’m fine. Thanks, though.”

“Okay.” I can tell she wants to add something more but doesn’t. I turn my book back on and continue mixing the vanilla pumpkin cheesecake soap. After ten minutes, it’s ready to be poured into the mold. Once they’re in the fridge cooling, I pull the ingredients card for the next one. As I’m grabbing the essential oils from a shelf, the door swings open.

Thinking it’s Harper, I turn around to ask her why she’s back so soon, only to be faced with piercing blue eyes.

“What’re you doin’ here?” I ask dryly, continuing to line up the items I need.

Kane doesn’t deserve an ounce of my attention.

“I’ve been callin’ and textin’ you for the past twelve hours. Why aren’t you responding?”

I shrug. “I blocked your number. Didn’t think it’d be appropriate since you have a girlfriend and all.”

He crosses his arms and glares at me. “Stop it, Ivy. We need to talk.”

“Kinda like how you and Raelyn talked all night long?” I grow more frustrated with every passing second, but I keep my voice steady so he can’t see how upset I am.

He blows out a breath filled with annoyance. “Yes, Raelyn and I did talk yesterday, but I needed a drink or two just to get through it. So as we drank, I laid everything out for her so she’d understand where our relationship really stood. Anyway, after our chat, she was too upset and a little tipsy to drive home, so I offered her the couch. Nothing happened between us.”

I scoff, focusing on my work. “You’re single. You can do whatever you want.” Even though we’ve been calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend, I say the words anyway. Single—that’s what we both are. It’s a low blow, but I want him to understand how I feel.

Instead of addressing what I said, he ignores it and continues. “I did not want her to stay, but I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if she drove intoxicated and then something happened to her.”

“Pulling out the sympathy card, I see. Good one.”

“Why aren’t you listenin’ to what I’m saying? I’m tellin’ you the truth.”

I slam the essential oils down on the counter. “I watched her nearly straddle your lap in front of everyone, Kane. Everyone. Do you have any idea how humiliated I was? How mad I was when I realized you had lied about your relationship with her? It made me feel used, like everything between us was fake. I’d just given you my virginity!”

“Ivy, I didn’t lie, and I’d never hurt you like that. You should know me better than that. I’m not some dickhead who hooks up with random women, and I’m not a cheater. Raelyn and I aren’t together, and I don’t want anything to do with her. It’s been over for weeks.”

“And so now I’m just supposed to believe that after what I saw ?”