“I appreciate you tellin' me. Now I won't have to bash your face in behind the parking lot.” I flash him a smug grin. I'd only hit him if he deserved it.

“And I appreciate you not. But I'm gonna have to leave soon to catch up with Andrea, so if you're able to give Ivy a lift home, it'll give you the chance to apologize.”


I'm tempted to tell him he's right, that I am with Ivy and we're in the same situation, but I don't trust small-town gossip. You tell one person, and soon, everyone knows.

Rhett takes the two drinks, and I closely watch as he delivers them. Ivy avoids looking my way, and I know I'm gonna have to do some damage control later. I'm not above groveling, but she pushed it a tad too far when she allowed him to be so damn close. Having insight into Rhett’s dilemma makes me relax, but in the heat of the moment, it pissed me off. Once Rhett leaves, I take his seat. I stopped drinking after my last beer, so I'm fine to drive us to my house.

“Hello, am I allowed to sit here?” I ask with amusement.

“Only if you're going to behave,” Hadleigh states.

“And they call me the wild twin,” Knox says with a laugh.

“Don't worry, you still proudly hold that title.” I smirk.

“I think we're gonna head out so we can get back to the kids,” Harper announces as Ethan stands and helps her up.

“Us too. I need to pump before I pass out,” Hadleigh says.

“Wow, you scold me for being too young, and here y'all are, actin’ like you're in your fifties.” Ivy snickers.

“You just wait, lady. Kids and marriage take like ten years off you and then add another ten for each child,” Harper teases, then continues, “But I wouldn't trade it for the world. So hurry up and get married and make babies.”

“No!” Hadleigh interjects. “Not yet. She's my baby sister.”

“Who isn't a baby,” Ivy clarifies.

“You better not get pregnant before me.” Kaitlyn stalks over. “Because I swear to God, if I have to go to one more baby shower or wedding and be asked, “Kaitlyn, sweetie, when is it your turn?” she mocks in an elderly woman's voice filled with pain, then shouts, “I don't know, Karen! You have any single grandsons who aren't cheating bastards?”

The table falls silent as Kaitlyn has an emotional breakdown. I know she's eager to start a family, but I hadn't realized it was a trigger.

“Don't worry, I'm not planning to pop anything out of my vag for a very long time,” Ivy comforts her.

“Well, at this rate, I'll be going to a sperm bank before I find a decent man.”

“You will not!” Harper scolds. “Go ask Payton. I'm sure he'll make a baby with you.” She waves her arm toward him after casually suggesting she sleep with her best friend and have kids.

Kaitlyn groans with an eye roll. “Yeah, we'll call that plan C.”

Hadleigh snorts. “I'm afraid to ask what plans A and B are.”

“Well, plan A was to find a man before I was twenty-five. Plan B is to find a man before I'm thirty. Seeing as I turn twenty-nine this year, plan C might become a reality.”

“You still have eighteen months.” Hadleigh smirks. “That's like five years for the Bishops.”

We all laugh because it's true. Almost everyone in our family gets engaged, married, and pregnant within that timeframe. There's no such thing as taking it slow.

When we know we've found the one, we know.

I glance at Ivy, hoping she won't argue with what I'm about to ask her.

“So can I take you home since they're all leaving and your ride left?”

She doesn't look at me as she shrugs, then responds, “Sure, I guess.”

“You two play nice,” Hadleigh scolds, then meets my eyes. “I appreciate you driving her.”

Ivy stands and grabs her purse. I wait while they hug goodbye, and then I remember I need to pay my tab.

“Be right back,” I tell Ivy.

Once I sign my receipt, I tell Payton and Kaitlyn good night. Then just for shits and giggles, I give Payton a hard time.

I pat his shoulder and say, “If I were you, I’d stock up on condoms.” He throws me a confused expression, and then I’m greeted with a smack from Kaitlyn.

“What was that for?” I rub the spot on my arm even though it barely stung.

“For breathing my air,” she mocks.

I chuckle, then meet Ivy at the door. “Ready?”

“To go home, yep.” She whips open the door, and I follow.

“Really? I was hoping you'd like to come home with me.”

“You're nuts if you thought I would.”


She stands against the passenger door of my truck, neither of us making a move to open it.

“You embarrassed me tonight, so you really think I wanna go anywhere with you? You acted like a jealous caveman!” she shouts. Although the parking lot is nearly empty, I don't need Kaitlyn and Payton coming outside and overhearing us.