I chuckle, unable to contain the smile that takes over my face. “Good, then you know exactly how I feel.”

Leaning in, I capture her mouth and slide my tongue between her lips. “I won't bother you again, but I'll be at the bar in case you need me.”

“Behave yourself,” she warns.

I flash her a wink. “Just for tonight, sweetheart. Tomorrow, you'll be begging for more.”

* * *


After I return to the table, I rejoin the conversation and watch Kane walk to the bar out of the corner of my eye. He sits next to Payton and his sister, then orders a drink.

I do my best to participate in the conversation, but I can't stop my eyes from lingering on Kane and the blonde who just approached him. Though I understood why he wouldn't want me going on a date, I didn't consider how it'd feel to sit on the sidelines while another woman flirts with him.

A woman his age who looks more experienced and mature than me.

He barely gives her any attention, but apparently, this chick likes that because she's not giving up. She leans into his ear, and he dismisses her, which fills me with pride.

Still, this woman continues to chat, and when she licks his ear, I snap. The glass I was holding tips over and spills onto the table. Luckily, it only had a third left, but it’s everywhere.

“Oh shit, I'm so sorry,” I blurt out as everyone quickly gathers napkins.

“Did any get on you?” Rhett asks.

“No. How about you?”

“Nah, I'm good. But let me get you another drink.”

He's up and heading to the bar before I can stop him.


Hadleigh and Harper move the basket of fries out of the way and continue wiping the table. Harper started drinking when we got here and has been super bubbly and chatty.

Rhett stands on the other side of the blonde. Kane looks over at him, then he glances over his shoulder at me. I shake my head, begging him with my eyes not to do anything stupid. He smirks before quickly turning toward the blonde and Rhett.

“Is that Kane?” Hadleigh asks, just now noticing him.

“Yeah, Kaitlyn and Payton too,” I respond as casually as I can.

“Oh my God, we should invite them over,” Harper announces.

“There's no room,” I quickly remind her.

“Plus, it looks like Kane's gonna get lucky tonight. Don't wanna interrupt,” Knox says with a laugh, and my jaw tightens.

“Looks more like Rhett is with the way Kane's ignoring her,” Ethan mutters. “I don't think he's interested.”

“Trust me, he is. He's on the rebound playin’ like he isn't because he knows it drives chicks wild,” Knox remarks confidently. “He was hookin' up with someone the other week, so he's gotta be playin' the field after Raelyn.”

I keep my eyes down so no one notices my rage, but as soon as I look up, Hadleigh's gaze zeroes in on me.

“So do you think Rhett likes me?” I blurt out, needing something to steer the conversation away from Kane. “I've never been on a blind date before, so I'm not sure how things are going.”

“Rhett's totally into you!” Harper gushes, but Hadleigh stays quiet. “He's a catch. Has a great job, a good head on his shoulders, and Southern morals. I wouldn't be surprised if he asks for your number before the night's over.”

“If he does, would you give it to him?” Hadleigh asks curiously.

“Sure, yeah, of course.” I shrug with a smile. “Doesn't hurt to see where things could go.”

Rhett finally returns with my soda, and I thank him. Considering Hadleigh's watching me, I need to lay the flirting on a little thicker. As much as I don't want to, I have to act interested in him and not her best friend.

“So you wanna play pool or darts with me?” I ask, leaning in closer.

“Yeah, I'd love to. Let's start with a game of pool, but fair warning, I'm not the best.”

I smile wide. “Don't worry, I'm not either.”

We grab our drinks and stand, my eyes quickly scanning for Kane. He spots me, and I give him a look to stay there. I'll explain to him later what I'm doing because now is not the time.

“Ladies first,” Rhett says once he removes the triangle. “You good to break?”

I shrug because I've never done it. “Sure, I'll give it a try.”

Leaning down, I narrow my gaze to the tip of the pool stick and the white ball in front of me. Then with as much strength as I can, I take my shot.

Balls go flying all across the table, including a few that bounce off and onto the floor. “Oh my gosh.” I palm my forehead. “I'm so sorry.”

Rhett chuckles while chasing them and then sets each one back on the table. “Nah, don't worry about it. You wanna be solids or stripes?”