Knox swoops Hendrix in one arm, then snakes his other arm around her waist and pulls her in for a kiss. "I can find many more fun ways to help you relax. All you gotta do is ask."

"And that's my cue to leave. Thank you again, Hads. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I better find out who this new woman in your life is soon, though. As your bestie, I deserve all the details. Plus, I'll need to approve of her first."

I hold back a smirk, the irony nearly making me burst out laughing. "One day." I shoot her a smile, hoping I get to keep that promise.

After I fill a to-go box at the B&B with breakfast foods and pastries, I head home and quietly walk in the door. It's silent when I walk in, so I know she's still sleeping. I find her in my bed and take her in. Ivy’s curly hair is sprawled out on the pillow, and her soft lips are begging me to kiss them.

"Stop being a creep," she mutters with closed eyes and a smile on her face.

"Can't help myself." I walk over, then climb under the covers next to her. "I could watch you sleep for hours."

"That's weird, Kane. Even for you."

I snicker, then pull her into my chest and bury my face in her neck, nibbling below her ear. "I got some girly things for you and got us breakfast. Are you hungry?"

Ivy snorts and pushes back as her gaze finds mine. "Girly things?"

"Period stuff...I wanted to make sure you had what you needed for the day and were comfortable. That way, you wouldn’t have to run home."

"You did? Like what?"

I list everything without mentioning that her sister gave me those things. Her eyes light up as I tell her about the bath items and cinnamon rolls I snagged.

"Wow...that was very sweet of you. I was worried I'd have to leave right away and would lay alone in my bed for the next couple of days."

"Stay here. Let me take care of you." I kiss the tip of her nose, then slide out of bed to grab the bag. "Here are the goods. Now it’s time for coffee and food."

She sits up and rummages through it while I go to the kitchen. Once I have everything ready, I bring her breakfast in bed.

"Oh my gosh, this smells so good." She takes a bite of the western omelet covered in hot sauce. "And tastes even better."

"Good, I'm glad I guessed right. I thought I heard you liked spicy foods."

"Yep. I eat spicy noodles and hot Cheetos like it’s nothin’. Hadleigh teases me about having no taste buds."

I chuckle as we continue eating.

Once we're finished, I put our dishes in the sink, then return and grab the bag.

"Where’re ya goin' with that?"

"Gonna run you a hot bath, so get undressed and meet me in there." I flash her a wink, then grab the fluffy pink robe from my closet that Knox gave me as a gag gift. Joke’s on him because it's perfect for Ivy. “Put this on.”

As the water runs, I set out the soap, shampoo, and conditioner for her. I light a few candles I found stashed in the linen closet, then I toss in some petals from the rose bush I plucked from the B&B.

"This looks like a spa," Ivy says when she enters and glances around the dimly lit room. "I can't believe you did this for me."

Grabbing her waist, I pull her body into mine, then press my lips to her forehead. "I wanted to help you feel as comfortable as possible."

She narrows her eyes, then pinches my arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" I chuckle.

"Had to double-check that you're real." She grins.

I lower my mouth to hers as I tilt her chin upward. "Get in, sassy girl."

Out of respect, I look away so she can dispose of her tampon. Once she drops the robe and settles underneath the bubbles, I bring over a washcloth and the body wash.

"Close your eyes," I tell her, then kneel outside the tub. "No peeking."

"Is this one of those happy ending spas?" Her taunting voice has me smiling wide while I carefully place the under-eye patches on her face.

"I'm a professional," I say with mock humor. "Eyes and hands above the neck at all times."

"Well, that's boring. What if I offer a big tip?"

I smirk, although she can't see me, but play along as I lay the sheet mask on top and smooth it out with my fingers. "Depends. What are you offering in exchange?"

She reaches for me and grabs my wrist, then lowers my hand to her chest. I hold my breath as I cup her bare breast.

"Ivy..." I swallow down the lump in my throat. I've been trying to go slow and didn't want her to feel pressured to do anything she wasn't ready for, but fuck me. Touching her is testing my willpower.