I return to work just as Harper arrives. My stomach growls, but I try to ignore it and hope she doesn’t hear it.

"You've been awfully smiley lately," she says as we get in the groove of packaging.

"Have I?" I play dumb and shrug.

"Yes, happier than usual, actually. Almost as if you're datin' someone."

I look over, and she's grinning wide.

"I'd say you're the one who looks extra smiley," I mock.

She playfully smacks my arm. "Oh, c'mon! I know you're seeing someone. You check your text messages more often, you're giddy, and I'm pretty sure I saw a hickey on your neck last week."

My eyes widen as I instinctively cover my neck with my hand.

She laughs as she points at me. "I knew it! So spill the beans, woman."

There's no getting out of this with Harper. She's persistent, and if I don't give her something, she'll keep on me until I do.

"Fine...I am kinda sorta seeing someone."

"And who is this kinda sorta someone? I want alllll the tea!”

"A guy I met at school last semester." I blurt out the first thought that comes to me. It's the most believable since no one around here knows who my classmates are.

"And does this guy have a name? What's his major? What class did you meet him in? Oh my God, he's not a professor, is he?"

I burst out laughing because my sister has warned me against that very thing.

"God, no!" I rush out but leave out that I prefer older men. "Winston is a business major like me. We met in one of our management classes, and one day, he asked for my number. We talked casually for a while, then he finally asked me out. I'd been too busy with work and finals, so I told him we could plan something this summer. And we finally did a couple of weeks ago."

I'm impressed by how quickly the lies fall from my mouth. I also hate that I'm lying to my boss and friend, but it has to be this way. Until we're ready to label what we are publicly, I can't act suspicious and pretend I'm not dating anyone.

"Winston, huh?" She pauses. "Sounds like a name for a Golden Retriever."

I try to hold back my laughter because it’s what I call my vibrator. "Well, he is sweet and cuddly. Not to mention, he gives great orgasms."

She giggles. "I'm really excited for you, Ivy. Happiness is your style."

I chuckle. "Thanks."

Moments later, she stops what she's doing and glances over at me. "I knew somethin' was up. You wore the same clothes two days in a row."

I snort because I assumed she didn’t notice. "I slept over at his house and didn't wanna be late for work."

"Get it, girl. Next time, just text me, then go home and change. Don't worry about it, especially if you're getting laid,” she says so casually. Then just like that, Harper changes the subject, and we get back to it.

After an hour of packaging, we take a break to check the soaps curing on a shelf in the back. Tomorrow, we’re launching a new scent—Watermelon Breeze. It’s a red bar with cute little black seeds sprinkled on the top with a green bottom.

“My mom was telling me that she sold all the soaps we brought to the shop last week,” Harper explains. Her mom owns a boutique in town, and we make custom soaps just for locals.

“That’s amazin’. Oh, I saw the Back to School Fest sign-up sheet was posted online,” I say, not wanting to forget.

“Oh yeah, I’ll have to sign us up. Good job lookin’ out. Thanks for the reminder!”

I’m trying to pay more attention to events and things of that nature for Harper to prove that I’m worthy of being her business partner. A few years ago, she asked Hadleigh, but that was before Hendrix, when she was fully dedicated to her nursing job. I’m still in shock that she offered it to me—after I graduate, of course.

Harper finishes printing the custom labels, and we spend the rest of the afternoon wrapping individual bars.

It's something I'm looking forward to once I graduate.

"I think we're done for the day!" she says once it’s three thirty. "Gonna take the kids home, put Hailey-Mae down for her second nap, and catch up on laundry."

"Jesus. I don't know how you do it. You're superwoman."

She sighs with a grin. "I don't always feel that way. Especially during Hayden's witching hours of nonstop screaming and poop-diaper explosions in the middle of the grocery store."

I chuckle. "You make motherhood look easy, though."

She picks up Hailey-Mae and sets her in a stroller. "Meanwhile, you're out gettin' laid, reading about book boyfriends, and getting to pee in silence."

"Sounds like we're both thriving," I taunt as she grabs Hayden next.

As soon as Harper sets Hayden down on the ground, he takes off. "Hey, no runnin'!"