She widens her thighs, grinding harder against me. "Glad to hear that because it'd be devastating to my self-esteem if I’d just humiliated myself a third time."

I brush strands of hair off her face and tuck them behind her ear. "Why do I get the feeling you're lookin' for trouble?"

She laughs, lightly scratching the pad of her fingers along my scruffy jawline. "The only trouble I'm lookin' to get into is the fun kind. You in?" With a popped brow, she challenges me. To what, I'm not exactly sure, but I'm willing to agree to almost anything if it keeps that adorable smile on her face.

"As long as it's with you, then you gotta deal."

I pull her in for another kiss and cross my fingers I'm not about to get burned by love again.




I roll over in my bed and face the harsh reality that the other side is empty. Last night, Kane snuck into my room like I’m not an adult who can have boys over. Mom would love the fact I’m dating and not spending an entire summer working. I didn’t get the chance to discuss it with her because Kane texted me at nine o'clock last night telling me he was outside. Mom was already asleep, so we tiptoed through the house, then locked ourselves in my room. We spent hours making out and talking, but sadly, he had to leave early for work this morning.

Kane kissed me goodbye and promised to see me later. Though I was half asleep, I begged him to stay. He chuckled and said he couldn't because Knox would tear him a new one for being late. I missed him as soon as his warmth was gone.

I feel bad that he got three hours of sleep, but spending time with him is all I want to do. Every second of the day, I crave him, and I’m already itching to see him again. It's been a week since he first kissed me, but it feels like a lifetime ago. This past week, I’ve spent a couple of hours with him every night before he had to go to bed. I even started reading one of my favorite books to him while he engraved the leather journal he was working on. I appreciate his comments about the storyline and how he chuckles at the heroine's humor. While I've re-read this series several times, it still makes me laugh.

I explained how it's a Beauty and the Beast fantasy retelling but rated R. There's no sex in the first book—though there's tons of tension and other stuff—but book two brings the heat. He's in for a real spicy treat once we get there.

Though I'm self-conscious about my stuttering and stammering over certain letters, he never makes it known he notices. It's not as obvious when we're just freely talking, but sometimes, my brain goes faster than my mouth, and it takes a few seconds before anything comes out. I appreciate how he doesn't make me feel insecure. He's filled in the words for me a few times, which I appreciate because I get so flustered when I get stuck.

Regardless of his confusion over the story, he follows along and engages. Though we spend every spare minute together, I still can't get enough. And I hope I never do.

When I check my phone, it says 8:15, which means I need to get my ass up and ready for work. I don't have a set schedule, but I try to arrive before nine. Harper’s up early with the kids and needs time to feed and change them before we buckle down for the day.

I miraculously manage to get to the warehouse two minutes before nine. Harper isn’t here yet, so I unlock the doors and flick on the lights. On one of the workstations is a single stem rose with a handwritten note attached.

* * *

I saw this rose, and it reminded me of you—beautiful, vibrant, and delicate.

I hope you have a great day. Can't wait to see you later.

* * *


PS—I'm not a shape-shifting dragon beast with a scaly tail or anything, but I hope you accept this rose anyway ;)

* * *

My heart flutters out of control as a stupid grin covers my face. His reference to my favorite book that we've been reading has me melting into a puddle.

Quickly, I take it to my car so no one questions anything. Then I pull out my phone to send him a message.

Ivy: You're the sweetest man on the planet, you know that?

Kane: I've been told that a time or two. My grandma and mom are both very fond of me.

I snort-laugh.

Ivy: Seriously, thank you. And the note. It was a beautiful surprise.

Kane: Just like you ;)

Ivy: It drives me crazy that I can't see you for eight more hours.