Harper catches up to us, chuckling. For the next hour and a half, we chase and capture these animals that scream like old ladies. At one point, one screams so loud, I start laughing and can’t stop. I got so tickled by the sound that I could barely catch my breath. Kane even started laughing because I was.

When we return to the barn, Ethan takes a head count and realizes one is missing.

“Dammit,” he seethes. “I’m hot, sweaty, and now I have another to find.”

“You’re gonna have to be on your own for that one,” Kane states. “Payton and I need to get back to the stud farm. Knox is already blowing my phone up.”

He looks at me and smiles. “Thanks for the adventure today.”

I grow giddy and give him a wink. Harper raises a brow at me as Kane gives me all his attention.

“Maybe we can do it again sometime.” Kane smirks, and I swear I’m going to internally combust.

“I’d actually like that,” I admit, happy for another opportunity with him. Unfortunately, he still has a girlfriend who he seems to like a lot.

I’d never do anything to sabotage his relationship, but I can’t help but wonder if he’d give me the time of day. Sure, I’ll always be Hadleigh’s little sister, but the reality is I’m a single woman. If only he were available.

“If your goats get loose again, call some extra help. Ivy and I have a lot of stuff to take care of.”

Ethan pulls her in and slides his lips across hers. “I’ll make it up to you, baby,” he whispers, but I can still hear him.

“Yeah, make it up to me by letting me sleep until at least nine on Saturday.” Harper laughs and kisses him again.

“Deal,” he tells her, and we walk back to the warehouse.

“Ugh,” I say when the A/C hits my face. “I’m disgusting now.”

“Me too. My underboobs are sweating.” Harper looks at the clock. “How ’bout we call it a day and start back up first thing in the morning?”

“Yes, thank you. I need a cold shower and some deodorant.”

Harper grins. “What were you and Kane chattin’ about?”


She tilts her head. “And that’s it?” She doesn’t sound convinced.

“Yep, pretty much.” But my mind wanders when I think about how he was looking at me.

“He’s a nice guy,” she adds.

“Yeah, he is. I met his girlfriend at the hospital,” I add.

“Raelyn, right?”

“I dunno, she didn’t introduce herself to me. Just kinda acted like I didn’t exist.”

“Yeah, I dunno what to think about her. But if he’s happy, then everyone will accept her with open arms,” Harper explains. “It’s the Bishop way.”

I swallow hard as a tinge of jealousy sweeps through me. “Yeah, I’m sure she’s a sweetheart. I can’t imagine Kane being with someone who isn’t. But anyway, ya sure you don’t want me to finish this up before I go?”

The products and packing slips along with the thank-you cards are all exactly where we left them on the table.

“Nah, it’s fine. Another day won’t make that much of a difference at this point.”

“Thank you so much. I’ve got a date with a book tonight.”

“Really? Another one?”

“Yeah, it’s a little different than what I’m used to. It’s an erotic lizard shifter romance.”

Her eyes go wide.

“Did you know they have several penises?”

Her mouth falls open.

“Yeah, the sex is wild. Several—you-know-whats—in the same hole. Wild.”

“One day I’m gonna have to get you to make me a list of must-read books.”

I chuckle and grab my stuff. “You tell me when and I’ll give you a list of a hundred. Anyway, see ya tomorrow.”

“Yep! Have a good evenin’. Enjoy your quad penetration lizard sex.”

I snort. “Oh, you know I will.”

“You’re gonna make some man really happy one day, Ivy. All this research you’ve been doin’ over the years with those books.”

“Let’s just hope he can satisfy my needs,” I say matter-of-factly.

She laughs, and so do I, but I’m not joking. I have many things I want to mark off my sex bucket list, but first I gotta get rid of my sacred V-card. I’ve been saving it for one man, but unfortunately, he’s not even an option. At least not yet.



I wake up at the butt crack of dawn to help Knox and Payton feed the horses. Afterward, we head down to the B&B, grab a quick breakfast, then set up the tables for the Fourth of July party. The past three weeks have been hectic, and I can’t wait to relax and enjoy myself before returning to the craziness.

“Ready for tonight?” Riley asks.

“Yeah, it’s actually one of my favorite traditions,” I admit. “It’s something I loved as a kid and still enjoy as an adult. Even when my dad’s being an asshole and throwing water balloons at us.”

Diesel snickers. “I heard this year he got something even better.”