After showering, I grab a beer from the fridge and plop down on the couch. I warm up a shitty microwave meal and flip through countless channels of nonsense. By the time I got off work, the B&B had stopped serving dinner, which was disappointing, so I’m resorting to this.

When I finally land on a documentary about the Wild Wild West that looks half-decent, my phone buzzes. I see Raelyn’s picture and name flash across the screen and answer with a smile. We still haven’t talked too much to one another since our little argument, but we’re trying to work through it the best we can.

“Hey, babe,” she says in her normal tone.

“Hi. How was Houston?” I ask since it’s Monday, and we haven’t talked since she returned.

There’s a long pause after my question, and I check my phone to ensure I didn’t lose connection. The service on the ranch can sometimes be spotty.

“It was…great, actually. I had a lot of fun, but it also gave me an opportunity to really think about things.”

“Things? Like what?” I play coy, but deep down, I know where this is headed, especially since things have been tense and awkward.

“About us, Kane.”


“Well, I thought about our relationship and how things have been going lately. Our schedules don’t line up all the time, and you’ve already told me that you wouldn’t be okay with an open relationship.”

“You’re right about that. I’m not gonna share my woman with anyone,” I remind her. I’m not on board with what she wants. Nothing will make me change my mind.

“I understand and respect that, and it’s why I think it might be best if we take a break for a little while.”

I stare at the TV, and it’s cowboys shooting and riding through mountains.

“You know, to make sure we’re right for one another,” she adds.

I want to ask her what that means exactly, but I’m aware of why.

Raelyn wants a break so she can see other people.

“Okay, if that’s what you want,” I tell her, not wanting to argue because there’s no point. She’ll do what she wants, and I can’t do anything about that. But I won’t be with someone who sleeps with other people. I’m not looking for a fling or random pussy. I want a solid relationship with someone who wants to be with me just as much.

Deep inside, I think this is about something else, and I want to ask if she hooked up with anyone while she was away. But I guess it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. I’m not sure I’d want to hear the answer anyway.

“Before I settle down with someone, I need to make sure I’m making the right choice. Ya know?” she confirms.

“Yeah, sure. I get that.”

“Thanks for understanding, Kane. We’ll chat soon.”

She hangs up before giving me the opportunity to respond. I set down my phone and lean my head back on the couch. Honestly, I didn’t expect to get broken up on one of the worst days I’ve had in a long time. Being single wasn’t on my bingo card this morning, but I’m not that upset.

We’ve only been seeing each other for a couple of months, and she was a nice girl, even if she didn’t check all the boxes. I remind myself it’s for the best, and everything will work out exactly the way it’s supposed to.

Needing a distraction, I slip on my boots and decide to go over to my brother’s to see Hendrix. That kid always brings a smile to my face. He’s almost a month old now, and he's a little bigger each time I see him. Hadleigh has told me to stop by and see the baby when I want without an invitation, and tonight I’m going to take her up on that offer.

As I pull up to their house, I’m pleasantly surprised to see Ivy’s car outside. My heart gallops, knowing we’ll get to hang out again.

“Good one, universe.” I laugh, then I reposition my baseball cap and head toward the door. Moments later, it swings open, and Ivy’s wearing a sweet ruby-red-lipped smile.

“Hey,” I say, meeting her eyes and noticing the way her breath hitches when our gazes lock.

“Hi. My sister told me to let you in,” she explains, stepping to the side. She smells like honeysuckle flowers when I pass her, and I wish I could bottle it up.

“Ooh, look both your aunt and uncle are here,” Hadleigh says to Hendrix as she breastfeeds him. It’s crazy to see Hadleigh as a mother. Once he’s done eating, Ivy happily takes and burps him. She’s so careful with Hendrix, and I’m mesmerized watching her with him.

“So did you hear what Kaitlyn did to the boys?” Hadleigh asks, wearing a smirk.

“No,” I tell her.

Knox chuckles. “She had all of their vehicles towed away, and this morning, they woke up and thought they were stolen. Not just that, she took all the keys to their side by sides too.”