“You almost gave me a heart attack.” She swallows hard.

“I can’t keep my V-card forever. It’s bound to happen at some point. I swear, right now, I’m the nun of Eldorado.”

“Nuns don’t have sex toys,” Hadleigh reminds me.

“No, but…”

“I don’t wanna know what you’re about to say. You read so much, and I can never predict what’s gonna come out of your mouth.”

Hendrix’s head slightly bounces as I giggle, and he fusses. It makes me feel guilty that I’ve woken him again. “I was just gonna say…but they still have their fingers.”

She bursts into laughter. “You’re gonna make me blush.”

I clear my throat. “Excuse me. I’m pretty sure you know what you’re doing, considering I’m holding your love child. This kid wasn’t delivered by a stork.”

A mischievous grin slides across my sister's lips. “You’re right about that.”

“But yeah, I’ll be working a lot. Harper gave me a rundown on everything we need to do, and there just isn’t enough time in the day. She’s talked about hiring someone part-time, but I told her I’d stay as late as I need to help her catch up. I think we can handle it. It’s just going to take extra hours at the shop.”

“Oh good. If you stay late and get too tired to drive home, my couch is always available.”

“Thanks, sis.”

“I hope after everything settles down and I’ve figured out my new normal and what I’m going to do about my job, I can start helping y’all again.”

“That’d be awesome. I’m actually excited about working more because my paychecks will be amazing with all the extra hours.”

“That’s a plus!”

Hendrix eventually settles down and falls back to sleep. Hadleigh finishes eating her lunch, then takes a bite of cake. “Okay, you’re right about this.”

“I wasn’t exaggerating. Oh yeah, Kane told me to tell you hi.”

“Really? What was he up to?”

“Nothin’. Just eatin’ lunch at the B&B.” I don’t tell her that we ate together. It’s something I want to keep to myself for a little while, though I’m sure she’ll find out because there are no secrets on this ranch.

“Was Raelyn with him?”

I meet her gaze. “No, he was alone.”

“Gotcha. Sometimes on her days off, she’ll meet him for lunch.”

“Oh, okay.” I don’t want to discuss that witch right now.

My sister thankfully continues. “He owes me a visit. Lately, he’s been so busy with the shop and his girlfriend that time slips by. But then again, I also understand we’re growing up, and things are different.”

“Yeah, totally. He did mention he was letting you catch up on rest. We’d all be over here every day bugging you, but no one wants to overstep. That’s my biggest worry.”

“Aw, you’re not. Ever. You’re always invited over because I enjoy hanging out with you.”

“I’m gonna hold ya to that.”

“I hope you do. Eventually, you’re gonna be too busy for me too.”

“Now who sounds like Mom?” I snicker.

“Guilty,” she tells me. “Guilty as charged.”

After an hour passes, Hadleigh lets me feed Hendrix while we watch a few episodes of Impractical Jokers. When I check the time, it’s nearly three in the afternoon. Eventually, we say our goodbyes. I thank her for allowing me to come over, and then I head home.

As I pass the B&B, I check to see if Kane’s truck is there, but when it’s not, I keep going. This summer, my real goal is to help him realize what’s always been waiting right in front of him—me.



I can’t believe it’s already peak summertime. However, considering how goddamn hot it is outside, I can. It feels like this year is passing by so quickly. Another sign that I’m getting older.

Of course, it’s Monday, and our day has been jam-packed. I’ve already had three mares picked up this morning, and this afternoon, we’ll receive three more. Knox has returned to full-time hours, though he occasionally leaves to help Hadleigh if she needs anything.

Once things settle down and I can breathe again, Payton and I head to the B&B for lunch. I look for Ivy, hoping to run into her again, but unfortunately, she’s nowhere in sight.

For the past few nights, she’s shown up in my dreams. I guess they’d actually be considered fantasies. Since we talked a few weeks ago, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. She’s consumed my thoughts, and I find myself wanting to get to know her better. It makes me feel guilty because I have a girlfriend, but it’s not like that. I’d never cheat on Raelyn, not in a million years, and especially not because of a platonic infatuation.

But it’s proof that I always tend to want what I can’t have.

Hadleigh would cut off my balls if she knew half the things I’ve thought about her little sister. While Ivy isn’t a kid anymore and is old enough to make her own decisions, my best friend is overprotective when it comes to her.