I clear my throat. “I’m a hopeless romantic.”

“At the core, I think we all kinda are.”

With a nod, I smile, realizing how true that is. “I think everyone wants to find love and be in love.” I’m tempted to ask him questions about his girlfriend because I’m curious, but I also don’t want to make it awkward. The reality is I don’t have the courage to mention her, especially not after how she treated me like I was invisible at the hospital.

Kane tilts his head. “I’ve never heard such truthful words spoken.”

There are only a few more bites of food on each of our plates, and then we'll go our separate ways. I’ve had a good time chatting with him, even if it was completely unexpected.

Once we’ve finished eating, I speak up. “Thanks for inviting me to stay.”

He winks. “It’s been fun. We really should do it again sometime.”

“I’d like that,” I admit. We stand and Kane takes my plate to the dish tub, and I go back through the line to grab Hadleigh’s food. He comes over before leaving, and he hesitates.

“Tell Hads I said hey,” he finally says.

“I will.”

A smile plays on his lips. “Don’t be a stranger.”

“You’ll see me around,” I confirm, and he patiently waits for me. The fact that he gave me any attention today is enough to keep me coming back for more. I might be Hadleigh’s little sister, but it’s more than obvious that something is brewing between us, and I want to find out what that is.

I drop two gigantic slices of triple chocolate cake in the box because it looks too good to pass up.

“You need any help carryin’ all that?” Kane asks, but I decline his offer.

I stack the Styrofoam boxes on top of each other and keep a firm grip as he leads the way through the B&B. When we’re close to my car, he opens the door for me.

“Thank you,” I breathlessly say when I smell his mixture of cologne and sweat.

“Any time. Have a good day, Ivy. Enjoy your fictional men,” he teases.

“Oh, I will. Enjoy watching horses have sex.” I slide into my seat, carefully setting the food on the passenger side. He chuckles, then closes my door. Before walking away, he gives me a quick glance, then heads to his truck. My eyes are glued to his ass and how he confidently strides across the parking lot. I’m sure I look like a love-sick puppy right now.

I crank the engine, then back out. My heart pounds, and I know my cheeks are flushed. On the way to Hadleigh’s, I try to calm down so I don’t look suspicious. My sister can usually see straight through me.

As soon as I walk up to her house, the door swings open.

“Damn. You look cute today,” she says.


“Yes, ma’am. Might wanna start carrying a stick around to beat those ranch hands off ya.”

I set the food down on the breakfast bar, and Hadleigh grabs a fork.

“I need one too, please. I got some extra cake.”

“You’re eating cake for lunch? You havin’ a bad day or something?” she taunts.

I snicker and shake my head. “No, I already ate, but I couldn’t pass up that icing.”

She laughs, handing me the utensil, then I open the box and dig in.

“Ugh, this is amazing,” she says around a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

“Yeah, this cake is orgasmic,” I blurt out. Just as she cuts into her chicken, I hear Hendrix’s little cries in his bassinet.

“I’ve got him.” I stand, then go pick him up.

“Thank you.”

I hold him against my chest and whisper sweet things while I rock us back and forth in the chair. Within minutes, he’s back asleep.

“Wait, are you a baby whisperer?” she asks quietly.

I snort with a shrug. “Maybe it’s one of my superpowers. Do you think he’s hungry?”

“Not yet. I fed him about an hour ago.”

“Did you notice his onesie?” Hadleigh asks.

I carefully reposition him so I can see it.

My aunt Ivy is my number one fan. “Oh my God, this is adorable! Wait, did you make this?”

“I was practicing with my new vinyl cutter. Gotta keep my mind busy before I go crazy.”

I can’t stop smiling. “It’s perfect. And true. Hell, you might be a pro by the time you go back to work.”

“If I go back…” Her words linger.

“Are you thinkin’ about quitting?”

She shrugs with a somber look. “I’m already on part-time hours. It’s just gonna be difficult being an hour away from Hendrix each day. I guess I really didn’t think this through.”

“You’ll figure it out, Hads. You always do. Just enjoy your time off the best you can.”

“Now you sound like Mom.” Hadleigh sighs. “So what are your plans this summer?”

“To read, work, and lose my virginity.”

Hadleigh nearly chokes on a green bean.

“I was kiddin’ about the last one,” I quickly add.