As soon as I take my first bite of steak, I let out a moan.

Kane’s eyebrow pops up with amusement. “Maize’s perfected Grandma’s recipe, but she hardly ever makes this anymore, so it’s a special occasion.”

“That’s a shame,” I say. “It’s the best thing I’ve had in my mouth in months.”

His cute smirk that I love so much is on full display, and I realize the slip of my tongue.

“Well, that came out wrong.” My nerves are getting the best of me. I’ve never really had the opportunity to have a private conversation with him like this without interruption, and I want to say and ask so much.

“You’re going to see Hendrix after this?” He easily keeps the conversation moving.

Since it’s not polite to speak while chewing, I cover my mouth with my hand. “Yes. I’ve been impatiently waiting for Hadleigh to catch up on sleep so I can bombard her without feeling guilty.”

He chuckles. “I’ve been doing the same.”

“You should come with me,” I say, and I’m kinda shocked the invite tumbled out so quickly.

“I wish I could. We’ve been super busy in the office, and I gotta get back right after lunch.”

As if he can see the disappointment in my expression, he hurries and adds, “We should plan it sometime soon when I can break away.”

“Deal,” I say. I appreciate how he waits for me to speak and actually listens when I do. I think this might be the most I’ve talked to anyone in months. Well, other than my sister and Harper. “So you said you were busy. What is it that you do again? Watch horses bang all day?”

Kane lets out a roar of laughter, and the ranch hands sitting at the long table across the way turn and look at us. After he catches his breath, they go back to their conversation and pay us no mind at all.

“Not exactly, but that’s hilarious. Next time someone asks me, I’m just gonna tell them that.”

“Hey! It’s plausible, considering it’s a stud farm.”

He shoots me a playful expression. “It’s a bit more complicated than that, but at the most basic level, we’re horse pimps.”

His response catches me off guard and causes me to snort. “That’s interesting.”

“We basically breed horses and deal with owners, online sperm sales, and a lot of paperwork. But it’s fun. Beats being a ranch hand floater who does the bitch work every day. What about you? Whatcha up to these days?”

I swallow hard and take a sip of tea. I’m not used to talking about myself very much. “I…” I stammer. “I finished my second semester of college and made all A’s.”

He has no idea how much I appreciate him waiting for me to finish my sentence, or maybe he didn’t even notice. It’s hard to tell because his eyes don’t leave mine.

“Wow, congrats. That’s incredible, Ivy. So you’re a genius?”

“Not exactly, but thank you. I was just as surprised. But now I’m on summer break, and Harper’s letting me work as much as I want. So I’ll be hanging out at the warehouse for the next few months.”

He looks at me over the rim of his glass as he takes a drink, then sets it down. “I’m actually looking forward to seein’ you more.”

Blush hits my cheeks, and I try to contain my smile but find it impossible. “Yeah, maybe we can have lunch again one day?”

“I’d like that.” Kane meets my gaze, and I swear he wants to say something more but doesn’t. “So other than working this summer, do ya have any other plans? Any crazy vacations? Road trips?”

I giggle because it’s funny he thinks I have a social life. “Just hanging out with fictional men.”

He pops a brow. “Fictional? You still read a lot? I remember Hadleigh talking about how many books you used to read back in the day.”

Him remembering that I’m a huge bookworm warms my heart. “Oh yeah. I think it’s only gotten worse now that I’m reading adult books.”

“Adult? As in por—”

“Fantasy. It’s my favorite, but I’m not opposed to trying other genres. In the past year, I’ve dipped my toes into some erotic fantasy.” I’m tempted to tell him about the plot of the sexy werewolf book I’m listening to, but I keep my nerdiness to myself.

“Sounds…kinky.” His words come out rough, and it causes my skin to prickle.

“It’s very, very scandalous.” I love being under Kane’s microscope.

His gaze sweeps from my eyes down to my lips, and for a moment, time feels as if it stops. “So Ivy Callaway. Hobbies include reading and working. Goes to college. Anything else I need to know?”

Oh God, there’s so much I’d like to tell him right now, especially when the underlying current streaming between us is ready to pull me under. When I look into Kane’s baby blues, my heart rate increases. Heat streams through me, and I wonder if he feels it too.