Knox: How’s everything going so far?

Kane: Great. Got it all under control.

Knox: Might stop by after Hendrix goes down for his nap.

Kane: You don’t gotta.

Knox: I know, but I’m already missing it. Plus, Hadleigh has told me several times I’m hovering.

Kane: Have you been?

Knox: Truthfully? Yeah. I’m not used to just sitting around so I’m going stir-crazy. Oh, before I forget. You know who took Kaitlyn’s tires off her truck?

I chuckle.

Kane: Riley, Diesel, Ethan, and I think they got a few ranch hands to help.

Knox: Idiots. They’re utterly fucked.

Kane: That’s what I said. Anyway, I need to catch up on emails and return a few calls. I’ll talk to ya later.

Knox: Yep. See ya.

It’s important that we stick to our scheduling because we’ve pre-booked our years. We require non-refundable deposits and have a waitlist for cancellations within twenty-four hours. I’m solely responsible for the back-end work while Knox takes care of the front end. We work well together, and I’m grateful my brother trusted me enough to be his partner in crime in real life and in business.

I finish adding things to our weekly task list and updating the whiteboard on the wall so Payton knows which horses are coming in and going out. It’s a revolving door, and we're slammed from March to early September. When mating season ends in the fall and winter, we put the studs on mounting mares and collect sperm, freeze it, and sell it online. It’s not quite as reliable as the real deal, but we’ve made a pretty penny and have an eighty-percent pregnancy rate. So while we’re not as busy during those seasons, we still have stuff to do. Shipping and freezing horse sperm isn’t something I’d ever expected myself to be doing, but it’s honest work.

After I’ve responded to fifty emails, printed out new website orders, and checked in a new mare, it’s nearly time for lunch. We usually take an hour from twelve to one, so we have plenty of time to eat and get back for the afternoon rush. The B&B is busy as hell, but Payton and I eat quickly then we head back. As soon as we park, Knox drives up and meets us.

“Hey, Daddy,” Payton says with a chuckle.

“Don’t say it like that, ya sick fuck,” Knox tells him.

“Just couldn’t stay away, could ya?” Payton likes to give Knox a hard time. That hasn’t changed from when we were all doing bitch work together. As Knox and Payton go back and forth, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out to see a text from my girlfriend, Raelyn.

Raelyn: I was just thinking about you, baby. How’s work been today?

A small smile touches my lips.

Kane: It’s going okay. Busy as always.

Raelyn: That’s my stud master.

This causes me to chuckle. Knox looks at me.

“Who’re you chattin’ with? Your girlfriend?”

“Something like that,” I tell him.

We became exclusive only a couple of months ago but went on our first date six months ago. Raelyn and I met at Hadleigh and Knox’s wedding last year, but our schedules rarely synced up to get to know each other. Finally, after some consistent dates, we made it official. While we can only spend time together a few times per month because of our conflicting schedules, we have a good time when we do.

She sends a text. I open it to see a picture of her standing in her bathroom wearing only a bra and panties.

Raelyn: Wish you were here.

I smirk.

Kane: Damn girl, I do too.

Another picture comes over, and this time, she’s completely naked. I swallow hard.

Raelyn: Sure you can’t step away for a few hours? Promise it’s all it’d take.

Kane: Sorry, I can’t. We’re already shorthanded, but trust me, I really wish I could.

Raelyn: Maybe next time.

Kane: I’ll take a rain check.

I lock my phone and shove it in my pocket before adjusting myself. Raelyn’s a beautiful woman and very independent, but she’s also very flirty with every man she meets. It’s something that bothers the fuck out of me, but I’m trying hard to get over it. We’ve agreed to be exclusive. While our relationship dynamic is different, and I don’t know if she’s really the one for me, we’re both willing to see where things go.



As I open my laptop and log in to my college's online portal, I suck in a deep breath. Final exams were last week, and our grades will be released today. I think I did great on all of my tests except for calculus. Thankfully, I don’t ever see myself using the concepts in real life. I’m not trying to be a rocket scientist. I just want to make goat soaps.

After I log in, I wait for my grades to load and nearly burst into tears when I see a row of A’s. The first thing I do is text my sister.