“Lake,” Mom scolded.

“Are we—what?” Val scoffed. “Me? And Corbin? Who said that—what makes you think . . .?”

Though her squirming was a thing to see, and almost too good to put a stop to, I deadpanned, “Call it a hunch.”

Her entire face reddened and Corbin looked at the ground as everyone waited. Even Kara leaned in, seemingly interested in the answer.

“Corbin,” I said. He glanced up. I’d had a few minutes here and there with him throughout the night, but ever the gentleman, Corbin kept excusing himself to give other people more time with me. “What are you hiding from me? And you have frosting on your face.”

He wiped his mouth with the back of one hand as he threw his other arm around me. “I’m hiding lots from you.”

I elbowed him in the ribs, and he winced. “Christ, Kaplan. I fractured that rib on my board last month. You just set the healing process back another few weeks.”

“Sorry,” I said, grimacing.

“It’s Sutter now,” came my favorite deep voice from right outside our circle.

Corbin, along with the rest of us, turned. Manning had drifted over, still swaying the baby, his eyes trained on Corbin’s arm around me.

“Right, right,” Corbin said. “It’ll take me a while to see her as anything other than a Kaplan.”

“Answer the question,” I told Corbin, only slightly giddier to uncover the truth than I was to see Manning’s reaction to it. “Did you and Val have sex?”

“You need to ease up on the doobies,” Corbin said as he mimed sucking on a joint.

“Getting high on her wedding day.” Val shook her head. “So sad. No restraint.”

Manning had stopped rocking the baby to stare at Corbin and Val, only his eyes moving back and forth. “Sex?” he asked. “You two?”

Before I could fill him in, Abby’s face scrunched as she raised her fat little arms. Like a ticking time bomb getting ready to blow, she twitched. “Manning,” I warned, but it was too late. She let out a wail that made everyone jump.

His eyes widened as he jumpstarted into swaying again. “Sh—I’m sorry,” he said to Kara. “I didn’t—I forgot—”

“It’s not your fault,” she said with a small laugh, reaching for the baby. “We’re overdue for a tantrum.”

Manning looked so crestfallen as he handed her over, I couldn’t help laughing. “I’m sure you can have her back once she’s fed,” I reassured him.

My mom touched Kara’s back. “It’s Abby, right?” she asked, beaming at the baby. “Is she hungry? Tired? Maybe she needs a diaper change.”

“All of the above,” Kara said. “It’s always something.”

“Let me help.” Mom guided her away as she said, “Tiffany was the fussiest little thing . . .”

I turned back as Val tiptoed away. “Nice try,” I called after her. “If you don’t cop to whatever the story is, I’m going to make up my own version.”

Her shoulders slumped. She slowly rotated back around, as if operated by remote control. “Corbin and I did not have sex,” Val said loudly and coughed into her fist, “today.”

I blew out a laugh. “Liar. Why’d you keep this from me?”

Manning walked around the circle to stand behind me. “Isn’t it obvious?” he asked, placing his hands on my shoulders.

“Wait,” Corbin said to Val. “Are we doing this now?”

“I . . .” Val put her palm to her forehead. “I guess?”

“Thank God,” Corbin said, crossing the circle.

Val jumped back, pointing at him. “Don’t you dare pick me up. You know I hate it.”

“If by hate, you mean secretly love, then yes I know.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her.

“My boobs are going to pop out of this dress,” she said as she wiggled and squealed. “Put me down.”

“No. I’ve had to keep this to myself for too long.” Corbin set her on her feet and puffed out his chest. “Valerie Kristen Jameson is my best friend and my girlfriend,” he declared loudly enough for people to look over. “If you don’t like it, deal with it.”

With a dramatic dip, he kissed her. She pretended to push him off but laughed through all of it.

I stood there blinking, Manning’s hands warming my bare shoulders. I had no idea what to make of it. My two best friends were kissing, and it looked strange and awkward and wrong. I didn’t like it.

Did I?

When Corbin righted her, Val cried, “You know I hate PDA,” and started to run away.

He nabbed her by the waist and brought her back in front of him, hugging her middle. “Get over it. After months and months of torture, I’m displaying my affection publicly tonight.”

“How did this happen?” I blurted. “Why? Why didn’t you guys tell me?”

“We didn’t tell anyone,” Val said. “We weren’t sure what would happen, if it would go well . . . or if we’d make it.”

“That’s not true,” Corbin said. “This one wasn’t sure. This one didn’t want to jinx it. This one didn’t want to steal your spotlight.”