“Well, youcancall me. Anytime. Day or night. Don't ever hesitate.”
“Bye, Elizabeth.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles before turning it over to place a warm kiss on her palm. “I love you.”
She pulled her hand from his. “Will—”
“I'm not going tonotsay it. I love you.”
She took a few steps back. “Bye, Will.”
She walked away from him, but knew with absolute certainty that he was watching her, waiting for her to turn around, but she didn’t.I can’t. She walked into the house and closed the door firmly behind her.
* * *
Will shutoff his phone as the flight attendant walked through the cabin, making sure everyone had their seats up and their electronics off as the plane slowly descended toward Boston.
Home again.
The thing was, it didn'tfeellike home. Home was Elizabeth, and the further the plane traveled away from her, the lonelier he felt. In fact, he felt more alone now than he had over the past two weeks, and he knew why.
Being without her had created a huge void, but making love to her last night… He couldn't find the words to describe what it felt like to hold her again, and be the recipient of the passion that always smoldered just below the surface. It had temporarily filled the void, but now that he was away from her again, it grew even larger. Instead of satisfying a need, their short time together had only created a more potent one, and he sighed as the uncomfortable weight of frustration settled in his chest like a brick.
He’d realized on the drive to the airport that he had no right to be upset that she’d left him this morning. Coming to South Carolina had been a selfish thing to do; he should have listened to his sister when she advised him against it, but he’d been too self-centered to think about how his presence would hurt Elizabeth, and only acted to satisfy his own needs.
Despite that, he tried to focus on one thing that he felt was a positive, and that was that she wasn’t immune to him, at least on some level. When he’d asked if sleeping with him was just a way for her to get him out of her system for good, or if she was thinking of giving him another chance, her answer—that she didn’t know—had made him breathe a sigh of relief. If she’d already decided outright that this was it, that this was goodbye, she would have said it then.
He knew what he needed to do, the changes he needed to make, and the insights into his mind, his heart, that he needed to gain. He was aware of the man he needed to become, for himself and for her, andknewthat it was in him to become that man. After that, it would be up to her. But one thing was certain—if he was ever given the chance to love her again, he wouldnotscrew it up.
In the meantime, he would do what she asked. He would wait—patiently—for her to choose her path.