“Good.” She grinned. “Something else for us to bond over.”
He chuckled half-heartedly, and though she was grinning, her eyes were serious. “Are you okay?”
She nodded. “It’s just…it's constantly on my mind.”
“I know. Mine too.”
“And I've been thinking. I know we agreed you would handle everything that's going on, and I appreciate that, but…I think I should be the one who talks to the police and the DA's office. Not because I don't think you're capable; it's just thatIwant to be the one who takes care of it, who closes the book on it. I need to be strong and stand up for myself.Iwant to be the one to face those men, if it comes to that, and watch them suffer the consequences for what they did. I need that closure.”
Will smiled a little. “I understand. I'll make sure Maggie knows to contact you from now on. I think you’ll need to call her today, though.”
He told Georgiana about his conversation with the detective, and while she was obviously relieved that Collins was in custody, she was appalled that another picture of her was found at his house.
“I’m wondering if Elizabeth was in any of those pictures,” he said, and frowned. ”I hope not, but…”
Georgiana’s voice softened. “You haven’t heard from her?”
“No. I guess I just have to wait, to see if she reaches out to me. It’s killing me, but I don’t know what else to do.”
“Waiting has never been one of your strong suits.”
He chuckled softly. “Yeah, I know. Charles said she's going back to South Carolina today. She doesn't come home for a week, so I guess I just have to be patient.” He sighed. “I should just go to South Carolina.”
He said it in jest, but once the words were out of his mouth, they flew into his ears and lodged in his brain.
“I know. Give her space, right?”
He shrugged but remained silent.
“Seriously? I thought you were trying to belessimpulsive.”
“I am,” he stated plainly. “I haven't left yet, have I?”
Georgiana closed her eyes briefly. “It’s not a good idea.”
“I just want to talk to her.”
“Then text her!”
Will shook his head. “She can ignore a text. But she can't ignore me if I'm standing right in front of her.”
“She’s not down there for vacation, she’sworking. And you don't even know where she's staying!”
“I'm sure I can find out.”
“Will,thinkabout this. You're being selfish, and you know everything could backfire, right? You need to respect her wishes, not disregard them. She might get pissed off, slam the door in your face, and tell you to leave her alone.”
“You're right. And if she does, I'll have no one to blame but myself. But maybe shewon'tslam the door in my face. Maybe she'll talk to me.” He shrugged. “I'm willing to take my chances.”
* * *
Elizabeth landedin Savannah late Friday afternoon, ready to face the week ahead. She’d spoken to Jane on the way to Boston and told her about her confrontation with Lydia, to which Jane had responded that she’d gone too easy on their younger sister. Jane also told Elizabeth that Bill had been taken into custody, and that the authorities were looking for Wickham.
Walking out into the arrivals area of the Savannah Airport, she saw the smiling faces of Marie and Sameera waiting for her. For the entire one-hour ride to the house, Marie never stopped talking. After the initial questions about the status of Elizabeth’s home, she launched into a narrative of what had happened while Elizabeth was gone. Apparently, the whole crew went out to a little bar in Beaufort on Tuesday night, and Marie had met a very attractive and very single member of the band that played there. They’d been inseparable since.