“I’m sorry,” she says, squeezing my arm. “I tried to stop them. They just lost it when you were arrested and—”

I hold up my hand and shake my head. “It’s fine. Just… I’m gonna shower.”


What part ofnot nowis she missing? I can’t take any more at the moment.

“It shouldn’t be this way,” she says in a faint voice behind me. “It’s not fair.”

I clench my eyes shut, forcing air into my lungs.

“Do you have a towel I can use?” I ask when I can speak again.

After a long pause, I sense her surrender. Doesn’t she get that she’s making it harder? I’ve spent a sixth of my life serving time for what happened. I don’t want to be punished for the rest of it too.

But you will be. You knew that.

Maybe. But I didn’t really. How could I?

“There’s a pile on the shelf above the toilet that are clean,” she says.

Shower curtains. Another thing I quickly learned to miss.

“No way. Is thattheTristan Haverford?”


I feel Kim’s ire from across the table as Jack Benson struts toward us like we’re still seniors in high school who care about tackling quarterbacks and dating cheerleaders. I’m pretty sure my varsity jacket is in a landfill along with everything else I used to be. Didn’t needthatat SCI Burlington.

“Hey, Jack. Good to see you,” I lie with a quick smile.

“When’d you get out?” he asks, sliding in beside Kim and reaching for one of her fries. The open disgust on her face is almost worth the intrusion.


“Damn.” He glances around, and I brace myself as he leans close. “So. Is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“Prison, dude!”

“Prison? Like, does it exist?”

He rolls his eyes as if I’m the one missing braincells in this conversation. “Not that. The other shit. Gang fights, shivs and shit? Wait, you didn’t get… you know… dropping the soap and all that?” His eyes shift suggestively, and Kim smacks his arm.


“Are you fucking serious?” she hisses.

He glares back, rubbing his sleeve. “What? I’m just asking a question.”

“Yeah, well, it’s none of your damn business. How about that for an answer?”

Their distracting banter helps ease the burr in my stomach, and I try to swallow the rest of the anxiety when Jack leans forward.

“Yo. So…” He casts a look around the restaurant before focusing back on my face “If you need anything—anything at all—I can hook you up.”

“What would Ineed?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.