Sunday, July 25

“Oh,my word, look at your sweet pregnant belly!” I gush over Willow’s rounded shape. I roll my hands around it and lean down to kiss against the skin holding my future niece or nephew.

“Oh, I’m so happy to see you! I’ve missed you so much,” Willow hugs me and tears of affection spring to her eyes.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” My brow crinkles together and I search her eyes for the answer.

“Ignore me, I cry at everything,” Willow says, swiping at her full cheeks. She looks so adorable all pillowy and round. Her face is filled out, flush and glowing.

“Believe her,” Stephen says, carrying my suitcase down the hall to their guest room. “Yesterday she cried at a beer commercial.”

“Well, those horses were so sweet,” Willow says, wiping her eyes. Stephen rolls his eyes and disappears down the hall.

“I love you, hon.” He calls to her waving a hand.

Willow and I flop onto the sofa and clutch our hands together. “How did the interview go?”

“It was great. Willow, these people are so dynamic, and the company has huge opportunities for growth. They’ve offered me nearly an incredible salary plus bonuses. It’s going to be a ton of work. They want me to completely revamp everything — labels, branding, websites, advertising. I’d have my own office, two assistants and a creative team. And the winery is so pretty. Every view looks like a postcard.”

“It sounds too good to be true, Ray.” Willow says beaming. “I’ll be so happy to have you back in Cali, I can’t stand it. Mother will be glad, too, although she’d never tell you. She’s moving back here to be closer when I have the baby.”

“And Daddy?” I ask eagerly. Willow just shakes her head sadly.

“No. He’s staying in Chicago for now. But let’s not talk about that. Tell me more. Tell me everything.” She puts her chubby ankles up on an upholstered ottoman and rests her hands on her expanding stomach.

“Well …” I start and then suddenly stop. I’ve told Willow everything my whole life, and yet I wonder if I should tell her about Ox’s offer. What would she say?

“What? What are you not telling me?” Her eyes narrow as if she’s trying to use her big-sister superpowers to divine my secret.

“I kinda got another job offer,” I mutter slowly.

“Really? Where, from whom?” Willow looks excited and it makes me feel excited, too.

“Ox Carr is starting up a band. With … wait for it … Sam Slade!” We both squeal excitedly. “And they’ve asked me to be their manager. Willow, I’d get to plan all the gigs, help with the music and even get to perform some. Ox says he’s found me an electric cello. I checked it out online and it’s unbelievable. I’m dying to get my hands on it.” I can hardly stop myself from chattering away.

“I’d be doing all of the PR and marketing, negotiating appearances, contracts, tours, everything. We haven’t discussed hard numbers yet, but he’s promised me twenty percent of the band’s take which would be huge. Because, I mean, it’s freaking Ox Carr and Sam Slade for crying out loud.”

“Oh my God, Ray!” Willow squeals. “Are you kidding me? This is amazing. Manager of a rock band? You’ll get to have your music and marketing and Ox Carr and Sam Slade. You’ve idolized those men for years. I remember your room growing up was practically wallpapered with pictures of them.”

“I know. And they’re such nice people,” I add, thinking back to my night in Richmond withLimitlessand my dance with Sam. Which, of course, makes me think of Connor and the tattoo and everything that has happened. I push those thoughts aside and focus on my sister.

“Ray,” Willow says, her voice edging into that big sister tone again. “You have to do this.”

“What?” My eyes narrow.

“The band. This is your dream. Your music and your marketing talents coiled into one job with people you’ve always wanted to work with and know. How can you turn that down?”

“I know. But there’s Connor,” I offer. The only negative to the entire thing.

“What about him?” Willow says, dismissing my objection. “He let you go, Ray. He doesn’t get a say.”

“I know, but he’s going to be at functions. Ox is his brother-in-law. I’m going to see him a lot. And I just don’t want there to be any awkward tension that would spill over into the work, you know?”

Willow pats my hand and then rubs her stomach. “Ray, what about you? How are you going to feel about all this?”

“Weird. Good. I don’t know.” I let my head fall to her shoulder. She smells like gardenias and Earl Gray tea. I inhale and let the soothing scent calm me a bit. “I miss him so much, Willow. Part of me wants to do anything to keep me near him, and part of me wants to get as far from him as possible so it won’t hurt so much. Working in California, I’d never have to see him.”