Wednesday, July 21 — Thursday, July 22

I’ve completely forgottenmy promise to Ox about meeting up on Thursday when my phone rings at a little past 7 p.m. on Wednesday evening.

“Elaine Flynn?” A male voice speaks on the other end of the phone.

“This is Lainey,” Inner Analyst has just made furious notes on her pad again as I relapse and refer to myself by Connor’s nickname for me. I sigh inwardly. We’ll be having a long discussion about the reasons I slipped and called myself that tonight. Probably at 2 a.m. That’s our standard appointment time. I toss and turn until she cracks open the notepad and we start to hash things out. On nights when she’s too tired, Inner Sex Goddess berates me for losing the best lover I’ll ever know. And I know she’s right. The lion has ruined me for any other man.

“My name is Houston George, I’m one of the owners of the Three Bulls Winery. We’re based in California.”

“Yes, Mr. George, what can I do for you?” His name doesn’t ring any bells. I quickly scan my application list, searching for a point of contact I may have sent a resume to, but there’s no Three Bulls Winery on my list anywhere.

“I hope you don’t mind. A friend of mine, Cyrus Goldstein, interviewed you a couple of months back for a position in marketing with Pinnacle.”

Mr. Pencil Tapper, how could I forget. It was his ridiculous comments that had driven me to drink — literally — at theJourney’s End. It was that … what was his name? … that man that started the whole thing that had led me on a journey of a lifetime only to end up with the heartache of a lost life.


“Well, he shared your resume with me, and I think you’d be a perfect fit for us out here. Cyrus tells me you’re a workaholic and we could use one. We’re currently looking to revamp our entire marketing and public relations message and we need someone with experience and dedication who can put in an extra mile.”

“That’s me,” I say lightly. At least, it was.

“Great. I’d love to have you fly out here. I know it’s short notice, but we need to move quickly on this project. Our team can make all the arrangements. Could you come tomorrow afternoon? We could spend the day Friday talking and you can see our operations here over the weekend.”

“Yes, I can come tomorrow.”

“Great. My secretary will email over the itinerary. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow.”

“As am I. Thank you, Mr. George,” I manage to eke out before he signs off the call. I let out a sigh of relief. A job. Thank God! #workinggirl

On Thursday, I overthink and overpack and opt for an Uber rather than pay for parking at the Atlanta Airport. I’ve made plans to stay over for a few days and visit Willow and Stephen and catch up on all the baby news. I check my app and see my driver is still a good half hour out, when my doorbell rings.

“Hey, Lainey,” Ox says cheerfully. He looks down at the suitcase by the door. “We did say Thursday, right?”

He’s holding a bright yellow box with a silk sunflower attached to the top with a piece of raffia twine.

“Ox, hey. I’m so sorry. I completely forgot. I’m going to have to reschedule. I got a last-minute interview out in California. I’m leaving in a little while. But I’ll be back next week. We can get together then if you want.”

“An interview? California is a long way away, Lainey.”

“I know. But maybe it’s for the best, Ox.”

“Who’s the interview with?”

“Three Bulls Winery. A smaller winery, but they’ve got some gold under their belt. They’re looking for a new Director of Marketing for a total revamp of their brand.”

“Sounds like a lot of work,” his brows knit together.

“It will be. But I can do it.” I hope I sound more eager and hopeful than I feel.

“I have no doubt. Here, these are for you.” He hands me the box and steps inside to close the door behind him. I tug off the lid and see a pair of jeans tucked into folds of yellow polka dotted paper.

“Tori launched her new line of women’s clothing, and made those for you. She said they’re a little longer than Ginger’s since you’re taller.”

I hold them up and examine the pockets. They have tiny cellos embroidered in the corner.

“Oh, Ox. Tell her they’re amazing. I love them. I’m going to throw them in my suitcase right now.”