Saturday, June 19

(the longest afternoon of my entire life)

I shake violentlyon the narrow table. A thousand bees, no, a million of them, sting me over and over. The pain doesn’t stop. I bite my lip and try to breathe. Connor holds my hands and reassures me I’m doing well. But the truth is, I feel like I’m about to pass out. Damn, this hurts!

“Connor, how much longer?” Tears prick against my eyes. The skin along my rib cage is nearly numb from the pain, but not quite.

“Not much longer, baby. You wanna take a break? You’ve been going for like,” he glances at his watch, “an hour.”

“No. I wanna finish this. But I can’t take much more.”

“You’re doing great, baby. Let me get you a soda. Just hang in there. Damn, I’m impressed with you, Raven.”

I sip the soda and it does help soothe me a bit. I clench my hands around his. The bees keep stinging and stinging. Just a few more minutes, I tell myself. Just a few more.

Miss Adventure may have ventured into her first misadventure. #stingink