“I heard that you’re a musician yourself,” Sam Slade says to me. Sam Slade says tome!My pulse flutters and flips as Inner Fangirl, now somehow revived, is floating around with beating hearts in her eyes. My Inner Sex Goddess may or may not be giving those abs and ink a closer look, too.

“Raven played for the New York Philharmonic. Cello,” Connor brags. My Inner Sex Goddess makes a note to give this man whatever sexual favor he asks for tonight because his tone is one of utter pride.

“Damn. You’re like the real deal. We just ram our dicks out to the girls and scream in harmony.” Sam Slade laughs and juts his groin in my direction.

“Hey man, careful where you point that thing,” Connor jokes. Another man I also recognize comes up behind Connor and slaps him on the back.

“The baby Ox,” he says laughing.

“Jesus,” I mutter in awe of the musician standing before me. Evan Jax, drummer extraordinaire. He’s a recent substitution to the band after their previous drummer was sent to rehab. Evan has way more talent than the other guy, and is super hot. He’s also very young. No way he’s more than twenty-one. He only wears jeans and ink — no shirt. It’s an ab-fest around here and Inner Fangirl and Sex Goddess are both salivating.

“Hey, Evan. This is Raven,” Sam introduces me. Sam, that’s right. I am now on a first-name basis with famous rock stars. Me! #coolgirl

“Kick-ass name, babe. When you’re ready to fly with a real lover, let me know. These hands are good for a lot more than beating a drum.” He gives me a salacious wink. I see Connor roll his eyes a little, but Fangirl is unconscious again.

“It's nice to meet you.” My mouth is totally dry. I can’t speak. I’m actually standing here and conversing withLimitless. Well, they’re doing most of the talking. Which is starting to freak me out, because I don’t think I’ve ever been struck this dumb before.

“We gotta be on our game tonight, man. Raven, here, is a real musician. Played cello for the New York Philharmonic,” Sam says, jutting a thumb in my direction.

“No shit?” Evan says, raking his hands through long wavy blond hair. His eyes are hypnotic. A light cinnamon color with flames of honey and copper that make them look almost haunted. I wonder if they’re contacts.

“No shit.” I hear myself say. “I played with them for three seasons, actually.”

“Too bad we don’t have a cello, you could play with us tonight,” Sam says, and he doesn’t even sound as if he’s being polite.

“Too bad,” I repeat. I honestly think if I had a cello right now, he’d have me playing right alongside the band. My heart amps up another ten beats per minute.

“She’d class up your act,” Connor adds. “Now where’s everyone else? I want to introduce Raven around.”

Sam and Evan, who goes by Jax on stage, lead us to a large greenroom where I meet Ziggy Morris, the bassist, and Ban Braxton, guitarist and sometimes singer. After the cursory polite small talk and nice-to-meet-yous, the band escorts us to a small area backstage where we can wait while the opening act prepares to start.

As soon as they are out of sight, I grip Connor’s arm and squeal into his ear. “Oh, my God! We’re backstage atLimitless! Connor, I can’t believe I’m here. Please tell me we’re going listen to them play from backstage.”

Connor gives me that grin that’s just for me and breaks into a light laugh. “Baby, we’re not only here for the whole concert, but we’ve been invited to the after-party with the band. We’re all staying in the same hotel.”

I literally jump up and down on my toes, silently shrieking with a girlish enthusiasm I haven’t felt since the day I got my letter from Juilliard.

“So, you like tonight’s little outing?” Connor gives me a quick kiss on the mouth and his eyes sparkle into mine.

“Connor,” I breathe. “Every time I think you can’t top whatever it is we’ve done before, you go and do …” I gesture around me, “This! I could kiss Ox for this. How does he know them?”

“Ox and Sam have known each other for years.Climaxused to open for them and vice versa. These guys used to come over to my house for cookouts and stuff. They’re practically my uncles. Well, except for the new guy, Evan. He’s a kid.”

“Miss Flynn?” Plastic Boobs calls to us. I nod and she hands me a sheaf of papers. I flip through and see it’s the sheet music toLimitless’opening song. And it’s signed by every member of the band, “To Raven, may music forever bless your soul.”

And Fangirl dies on the spot and goes straight to heaven.