Connor glances at me with another one of those amused grins of his. I’m really beginning to like them. It gives him this sexy boyish look that resonates down into the bottom of my belly.

“Of course you did. Cello, guitar or were you in a rock group we don’t know about?”

I laugh at that. “I played the cello for the New York Philharmonic for about three years.”

“Holy shit!” Ox says. “Where did you learn to play?”

“She told me middle school, but I don’t believe that,” Connor chuckles out.

“I did. My family moved from San Diego to Chicago the summer of my seventh-grade year. Moving into a new school was pretty tough. My music teacher, Mrs. Dean, said that joining the orchestra could help me meet new friends. She handed me a cello, and I guess the rest is history.”

“Yeah, but you’re not that old. You must have been playing with them when you were pretty young.”

“I started right after I left Juilliard.” And there goes another piece of this story I never like to share. What is wrong with me? Note to self: no more margaritas.

“You studied at Juilliard?” Connor raises an eyebrow and lifts his glass, which I notice is filled only with water, toward me in salute.

“A couple of years. It’s really not that big of a deal. Thousands of people go to Juilliard, you know.” Thousands of the most awful, mean-spirited people I’d ever met.

“Well, I’m impressed.” Tori chimes in. She’s been quiet for a while and the way she slurs her words tells me why.

“All right, one more. Then, I’ve got to take my girl home,” Ox says, setting down a bottle of water on the ground and adjusting his guitar on his lap. I notice his is a twelve-string. It’s a such beautiful instrument, all polished red and burled wood. And even though his stage persona is a total bad-boy rocker, Ox really understands and knows music.

“You guys should know this one, you did an amazing cover of it once in your early days,” I say to Ox and start picking out the introduction to the Eagle’sDesperado. I have no idea why my Inner Maestro chose this song, but it’s a favorite. I never completely mastered it, but I don’t think this crowd will fault me for a couple of mistakes if I flub a chord or two.

Ox smiles and Conner starts to laugh. “I’ll be damned,” he says as we begin our unique three-part harmony. “She’s playing our song, Ox."

When the song is done, Ox shakes his head and mutters “Holy shit!” in approval. “We’ve got to do this again, Lainey, when it’s not so late, and my beautiful bride hasn’t had seven margaritas.”

I set my guitar down in the chair and the four of us start to move to the stairs that lead up to the ground floor and the driveway where Ox and Tori have parked their car. We walk together, pausing in the foyer to say goodnight.

For a little while tonight, I felt like I belonged here and these people were my family. We shared music, and that is a bond that connects me instantly to people. People who don’t feel the need to compete with me or challenge me or try to discourage me. Just people, like me, who feel the music flow through their souls the way blood flows through their veins.

“We have a driver tonight, Lainey. We can take you home if you want,” Tori offers. She’s resting her head on Ox’s shoulder with a sleepy little pout. His arm is around her and he kisses the top of her head. I’m not sure what he said to her, but she’s been great all night. Well, at least she’s been quiet all night.

“Lainey’s sleeping over tonight, but thanks,” Connor pipes in.

“Cool. We’re actually just going to our cabin up the road. I enjoyed this tonight,” Ox says. “Happy birthday, old man.” He claps Connor on the back in a big bear hug that sends their long hair flying up around them.

“Happy birthday,” Tori says and kisses Connor’s cheek before giving me a side-eye. My Inner Sex Goddess sticks a tongue out at her.

“So, brunch tomorrow then, Connor?” she poses the invitation exclusively to him, casting a cold gaze my way. Yeah, nothing obvious about the fact this woman doesn’t like me. “Ginger’s going to be there.”

“We’ve got some things to do. Maybe next time,” Connor speaks with a tone that makes it clear he wants to be left alone with me. No interruptions. And it makes me feel … fuzzy under my skin. Because, I want that with him, too. His arm moves possessively around my waist and the tips of his fingers begin to stroke up and down my spine from my bra strap to the waistband of my pants. Holy cheese and crackers! Chills ripple through my entire body. His touch is like electricity.

Tori opens her mouth to speak, but Ox claps a hand over it and smiles, speaking over whatever it is she was about to say.

“Well, you two have a good night. See you later, Con. Let’s go, wife,” Ox asserts, pulling Tori away amid one of his deep Santa laughs that steals my heart every time.

* * *

Connor’s river house is large and has too many rooms to count. First, can I just say … I’m spending the night with a man who owns a second home! This whole weekend feels surreal. I actually did get lost about an hour ago just looking for a powder room, though. But every time I discover a new space, it is well furnished and nicely decorated. Despite their sizes, the rooms don’t feel cavernous or lonely. Cozy pockets that invite sitting and reading and just being are everywhere. It feels like a home, more than just a house.

His bedroom is massive. There’s a sofa and chair in one corner and of course, a huge king-sized bed in the center. Two small nightstands sit on either side with cool wall-mounted sconces over each. A large screen TV opposite the bed makes it look like he watches as he goes to sleep. I used to love falling asleep to the TV when I was in college. My roommate, Martha, and I would put on something soothing like a documentary on the History Channel or a nature show and drift off to the low, monotone of the migratory patterns of the monarch butterfly or something.

With a glance at the bed, I know immediately which side is his. It’s piled high with a stack of books. Who would have thought Tarzan was such a voracious reader? While he digs out a T-shirt for me to wear, I meander closer and glance at the titles.

Tax Code Changes That Affect Your Small Business; Simply Organic: Cooking with Seasonal, Local Ingredients; The Boyfriend’s Guide to Oral Sex: How to Make Your Woman Beg; Seven Ways to Market Your Small Business; 11 Days to Leaner Abs.I’m intrigued to find Mary Shelley’sFrankensteinas well as a copy of C.S. Lewis’The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.