“The jeans you had on yesterday … those are mine.” Her voice is as chilly as her stare.

I flush, feeling embarrassed. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. Connor told me they belonged to his niece. I … I was just borrowing them.”

“Oh, they’re Ginger’s. But they’re my design. I mean they’re my fashion creation. They haven’t gone to market yet, so it was surprising to see them on you yesterday. They looked good on you, though.” She pulls a long draw from her drink before setting it down and leaning back, her arm draped across the back of the chair.

“Thank you. Again, I’m so sorry. I should have just washed them and returned them. I …”

Tori holds up her hands. “You’re misunderstanding me, Lainey. I don’t care if you wear the jeans. Keep them. They’re yours. I care that you’re fucking my brother.”

My mouth drops open and my face burns scarlet. “Oh, my God! No. We’re not. That is, we didn’t sleep together.” My brow crinkles in a tight V over my forehead, pinching so hard I nearly give myself an instant headache. Did Connor tell her we slept together? Crap! An embarrassed flush spreads across my cheeks, heating my entire body. We could have, I suppose. I wouldn’t have remembered. I was too blitzed. But he did tell me he didn’t try to sleep with me. What the …?

“So … how do you explain the jeans then?” She picks up her cocktail and takes another long draw.

It’s none of her business, but I suddenly feel the need to explain myself to this woman. To earn back the sweet feeling of acceptance and friendship we shared yesterday. Or at least I thought we shared. I can’t have her judging me. My heart squeezes tight as I choke out my words.

“I got drunk at the bar where he works. I kinda passed out, and he took me to his house. He washed my suit, because I got sick apparently, and it was ruined, shrunk, so he offered me clothes from Ginger, that’s her name, right? He offered me clothes from her closet. We didn’t sleep together. We’re not … I mean …”

“And he invited you to lunch yesterday?” She asks, narrowing her eyes.

“Not exactly. He just barked ‘Noon. Tomorrow,’ at me when he dropped me at my car. I thought he was asking for the clothes back. That’s why I wore the jeans. I kinda wanted to be a bit … I don’t know, defiant? I thought maybe we were flirting. But I swear that’s all it was, flirting. And you don’t have to worry, because I’m really bad at it anyway.”

Tori smiles broadly as I talk and nods. “I see. Well, this is interesting. And I think you should know that Connor doesn’t work as a bartender at theJourney’s End, sweetie, he owns it. He and Ox own six different restaurants around the area.”

“Like theDay Old Bagel?” I ask, thinking back to the morning after I woke up in his bed.

“Yeah, it’s one of their newer ventures. Connor inherited a large sum of money a few years back, and he and Ox have been investing it and managing it. My brother is a very wealthy man, Lainey. This is one of the many houses he owns. And he’s a bit blind when it comes to games women play. I need to be assured that no one is ever going to take advantage of that.”

“I understand, and I respect and appreciate how much you clearly must love him. He’s lucky to have you. But I can assure you, I’m not playing any kind of a game, Tori.”

“Christ, Tori. What the hell are you doing?” I hear Connor’s voice like a low rumble coming closer behind me.

“Connor, I asked, you didn’t answer me, so I’m asking her. I told you I would. Someone has to look out for you.” Tori pops to her feet and instantly crosses her arms over her chest in a defensive posture.

“You two were discussing me?” I pipe in, also rising to my feet, but no one even listens to me. Connor looks murderous, and Tori looks ready to take him down. It’s like I’m standing in the middle of a World Wrestling Federation match for the national title.

The stare-off between them mounts. My Inner Miss Insecurity wants to suck her thumb and slink back into a corner. They’re judging me. Tori is, at least. They’re discussing me behind my back. She thinks I’m using him. She thinks I’m not good enough. I’m not. I’m nowhere near good enough to attract the attention of a man like Connor, or be accepted by people like Ox Carr and his beautiful fashion-designer wife. I suddenly feel too hot. I can’t breathe. And I want to just … just get out of here.

“You know what? I’m going to go. You two obviously have a lot to talk about, and it’s clear that I don’t belong here.” I drop my glass onto a stone patio table next to the chair where I was sitting and dart toward the stairs that will take me up to the ground floor level and back out the way I came in. If I knew of a faster route of escape, I would have taken it.

I can hear Connor’s and Tori’s voices in angry tones with one another although I can’t make out what they’re saying. I wipe tears from my eyes and pump my legs up the stairs and through the house to the massive wooden front door. I’m only a few feet from my car when I see Connor running from alongside the house toward me. Clearly, he knows where all the shortcuts are in this place.

“Lainey Bird. Wait. Please. Don’t go.” His voice is strained.

“What sort of game are you playing with me?”

“I’m not playing a game.” His fingers reach for me. I want to swipe them away, but I can’t. My hands are shaking at my sides, so hurt and angry. His thumb wipes away a tear and I flush with color. I’m such a baby crying like this. Why? Because Tori doesn’t like me? No. Because they were judging me. Showing me again how much I fall short.

“Oh no? You kidnap me when I’m drunk and passed out — a situation which I totally blame you for, by the way. Then, you whisk me away in your fancy vintage sex machine to breakfast and kiss me as if your life depends on it before demanding I come to you at noon the next day. I must have seriously lost my mind, because I actually show up, and you seduce me with your rock-star brother-in-law and your amazing sister and that ride to the river. Why didn’t you tell me she was your sister? Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t the bartender at theJourney’s End, you are the owner? That you own theDay Old Bageland the cute catfish place where we ate last night? That river where you kissed me, that was your land too, wasn’t it? Jesus, I knew you probably had money. I could tell by the sheets I slept on. But I don’t want your money or your sympathy or anything else. Hell, I don’t know what I’m doing here. This is nuts! I’m going back to my boring life. At least I knew what was coming.”

“Lainey, please. Don’t go.” His fingers clutch mine, and I feel the heat and need penetrating into my skin. “It’s my birthday, and all I really want is for you to be here. Ox and the band are going to play. Please, just stay.”

A car full of people pulls into the drive and voices call out to Connor.

“Hey man, Happy Birthday,” they intone in a cheerful chorus.

“Thanks, Dax, Marcus. Hey Mags. Glad y’all could come.” Connor plasters a mask of delight on his face, but it falls away when he turns back to look at me.

“Please. I’m sorry, Lainey. Just give me one dance and eat a piece of cake. Then you can go. Deal?”