That it was too soon.

We hadn’t known each other long enough.

Those novels were right. The world stops. The surrounding noise becomes a muted rendition of itself. Cars’ engines become noiseless. Birds chirp in silence and your heart beats so loudly you feel you need to shout the words back to him.

“I know it’s rather sudden,” Sebastian went on. “But the events of the last few hours, the last few months actually, have made me do a lot of thinking. I told you I was my worst obstacle, Lilly. Once I realized that, everything made perfect sense.”

“It did?” Oh, I wanted to believe him. I wanted to think it could become that simple. “What about Gabriel? And your father? What about—”

“Would it do me any good to tell you to stop worrying about that? I’m not going to lie to you. I hate your brother. I can’t stop just because you look at me with those brown eyes of yours and you become all I can think about. But just because I feel something doesn’t mean I have to act on it. Except being in love with you. I’m fully prepared to act on that and not fucking stop.”

My heart skipped a beat. “So, no more revenge? No more vendettas and subterfuge and—”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I’m not a redeemed man. Let’s just take one day at a time, okay, Princess?”

I raised my chin. “That’sMiss Calegarito you, Chicken Dick.”