The confusion on his face passed so quickly, I wouldn’t have noticed it if I hadn’t been looking directly at him.

“And you took Lilly to use as a buffer between us.”

That seemed to make sense to him, so I let it go. Elaborating wouldn’t have helped, but I had to stick to my original story.

“Lilly’s here of her own free will.”

Dante rolled his eyes. “I admire your fealty. Now, I need you to do a favor for me.”

I wasn’t sure I’d do anything for the bastard whose very presence had caused someone to shoot the hell out of my home.

“I have some business to take care of. I need you to take Noemi back to Connecticut with you and Lilly.”

Was he fucking kidding me? “You’re leaving?”

His expression caused me to feel very real fear for the first time since he’d arrived.

“I don’t care about this little spat between you and Gabriel. How he runs his business is his own affair. As far as you and Lilly go, I have eyes and I can see. She’s a big girl and she can take care of herself.

“Someone else is pulling the strings. Someone has been fucking with my life, and my family, for months. And now they’ve drawn you into it. I’m going to put an end to it.”

The cold in his voice should have sent chills down my spine and would have, if his threats were meant for me. It had been a long time since I had let someone else’s problems dictate what I did, but whoever had shot up my house had just become my problem as well. “Why should I help you?”

Dante met my angry gaze. “Because I have something you want. Do this for me, and I’ll answer all your questions. But I’m not going back to Connecticut,” he added. “Not until I hold Christian Delacroix responsible for every miserable minute he’s caused me and my family.”