“Go away!”

I should have relocked the damn door. Dante Calegari pushed it open, then walked into the open closet as if he had any right to intrude on our conversation. Brother or not, I pushed Lilly’s partially naked body behind me.

“What the fuck do you—”

“I understand you’re pissed and have every right to be. However, your men are back on duty and this one is saying we need to leave. After what he’s shown me, I agree. We need to go. Now.”

I looked past him to Fabian’s panicked face. It was his expression alone that kept me from a murderous response after being usurped in my home. Later, he could explain what the fuck had possessed him to show Dante Calegari anything before discussing it with me. At least Fabian had the decency to turn around as soon as he saw Lilly pushed awkwardly behind me.

“About two miles past the perimeter. There’s four of them,” he stumbled through the words.

“Lilly, put some clothes on,” Dante ordered. “He can fill you in on the way,” he said to me as he nearly pushed Fabian from the room.

I stood in front of the doorway so no one could leave. “You’re not the boss here, Calegari. No one leaves yet. Fabian?”

“Sir, there are four military grade helicopters heading this way. They’re going to be here any second—”

“Get the fuck out of my way so I can get back to Noemi,” Dante growled at me.

I didn’t wait for more details. “Get everyone to the safe room,” I barked at Fabian before turning back to Dante. “Where’s Noemi?”

“In the living room. Where do we go?” he demanded, losing his usual composure. I understood how he felt. I wanted him and Noemi to get to safety, but my eyes went back to Lilly.

“Get her the fuck away from those windows. The hallway’s the safest place if you need it before you can get to the safe room. After you get Noemi, follow Fabian. Lilly! Hurry the fuck up!”

Dante hesitated, looking toward the door, then back at the closet.

“Damnit, Calegari. I’ll get Lilly, you go take care of Noemi. Fabian, pull the alarm.”

“What’s happening?” Lilly cried, coming out of the room with her damp hair disheveled as she pulled the velour top over her head.

I watched Fabian run off before I grabbed Lilly’s arm. “No time to explain. I’m not certain myself, but we need to get to my safe room. Now!”

I didn’t have to drag or pull her. Once I ran, Lilly kept up with me, for the most part.

“Dante and Noemi?” she cried out as we rounded the bottom of the stairs.

“Here!” Noemi answered as they joined us in the hall with Fabian not far behind them. “What’s going on?”

I had no time to answer her. The roar of helicopters grew louder as they flew lower, and then the sound of rapidly firing weapons drowned out everything.

“Get them all to the safe room!” I screamed at Fabian.

Both women screamed “no” as if either Dante or I would leave them behind.

Dante and I exchanged a quick glance. There was no time to elaborate. The sound of the helicopters was deafening, but the sound of a wall of shattering glass from the living room was worse.

We all ran after Fabian. The safe room was hidden behind a panel in the windowless formal dining room, behind that panel, and down a flight of stairs. Fabian nearly jumped down the entire flight. He punched in the code and a door swung open. I followed him into the room and lingered by the door, pulling Lilly in behind me. She was followed by a pale Dante and a shaking Noemi.

Once the two women were in the room, I nudged Lilly toward Dante.

“Take care of them. Fabian, stay here. I’ll have my phone.”

“No!” Lilly screamed. “You can’t go out there!” She grabbed me, trying to keep me away from the door. Fabian was already taking his seat at a small console where we had camera access to the compound.

“My people are out there, Princess. I don’t leave them to fight my battles for me. You’ll be safe here. Fabian knows what to do.”

We had contingency plans - multiple contingency plans, actually. There was more than one way in and out of my home. If it became necessary, Fabian would use them.