Chapter Two

- Sebastian -

Each jab of her fingerpoked hot shards into my chest.

I had no intention of keeping Lilly from opening her shop. I had this unnatural, unwanted feeling of pride about what she’d accomplished and in so short a time. But right then, my primary concern was making sure I lived to draw my next breath. While I worked out the details, I had to get her brothers to cooperate and play nice well before her grand opening, so there’d be no reasonLilliana’swouldn’t open on time.

That meant I had three fucking weeks... less, actually. The store couldn’t open itself. I had resources. Come hell or high water, “Lilliana’s” would have a successful opening if I had to stock the shelves myself.

“Your store will open on time, Lilly. You have my word on that.”

I felt like the biggest asshole in the world when moisture pooled in her eyes. Not enough to change my course of action, but enough to make me stretch out a hand to cup her face. She rested her cheek in my palm for a second before she pulled away.

“You really are just like them,” she whispered.

“I don’t understand.” I had an idea, but a part of me needed to hear her say it.

Lilly’s chin raised with pride. My gut felt every bit of the remorse that burned through it.

“I don’t want, and I shouldn’tneed, your assurance that my store will open on time. That’s onme. That’smyjob. This isn’t some lark or hobby, a cute little pastime to keep Lilly busy while the rest of the world burns down around her.” Her eyes flashed with anger and her stare tightened. “This ismine. Not yours, not theirs. And you’re damn right the shop will open on time. But it will be because I made it happen, not because of you, butdespiteyou and whatever fucked up, foolish game you think you’re going to win.”

I deserved everything she said, so I didn’t defend myself. Her quick glance back to the computer gave me a reasonable excuse to change the subject.

“I told you. Don’t waste your time with your cameras.”

“Why not?” She eyed me suspiciously. “When I don’t come home, people will notice. They’ll check the footage.”

“If the cameras worked, it still wouldn’t matter. Like I said. I fully expect Gabriel to figure this out. It’s not rocket science.”

“My cameras work. I just tested them yesterday.”

I shrugged. “You don’t have to believe me, but I assure you, they don’t work. I’d show you if I weren’t in somewhat of a hurry.”

“I hate you,” she seethed, her fists clenching around her handbag.

“I know. Lately I’ve hated myself, but now’s not the time to psychoanalyze why. Time to go, Princess.”

She didn’t fight.

I had expected her to fight me. A sick part of me had looked forward to the tussle, to tossing her over my shoulder and carrying her through the front door into the waiting SUV.

Instead, Lilly walked through her boutique with her head held high and her back straight. I put the gun in my pocket and followed close behind her.

I pulled the door open for her as the little bell signaled our departure and moved aside as she locked the door. As soon as she stepped away from the threshold, I put my arm around her. Being near me seemed to ruffle her feathers. She tried to move away, but I pulled her close.

“Act casual, Princess. You know what to do.”

“I know what I should do,” she muttered, and I wondered again why she wasn’t. She didn’t fight. She didn’t scream. Other than letting me know how much my touch bothered her, she handled herself with pride. The streets were quiet that late at night, but to anyone who might have seen us, we were just a random couple getting into a vehicle.

I opened the door for Lilly, and she climbed in with no other comments. I felt like a man on death row, knowing that my time was coming. She was too calm. Too acquiescent. I wanted her fire.

I wantedher.

As soon as we had our seatbelts on, I tapped the roof. The partition between the seats rose.

The atmosphere instantly felt heavier when the dull sound of a click indicated the doors were locked. Lilly sat so straight she didn’t touch the back of the seat.

She turned to face me, the muted city lights barely illuminating the vehicle’s interior.