He wanted to make phone calls? I waved my hand in the air. “Sure. Why the fuck not?”

Dante hit the call button and leaned back in his chair as if he really had arrived for an early morning coffee. “Hello. Yes, come in. Everything’s fine. For the moment.”

“You should understand one thing,” he said to me after he hung up with whomever the fuck was on the other end of the phone. “I am only doing this because she insisted on seeing Lilly for herself. If I thought for one moment that either one of them would be in danger, this wouldn’t be happening.”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’d be dead. I know. Just soyouknow, this is still my fucking house. Do you mind telling me who else you’ve invited to intrude on my privacy?”

“Where is she? Is she here?”

That was fucking fast. She must have been outside my fucking door. When the fuck had I lost control?

I recognized the voice before she walked into the room. The lovely Noemi had returned, apparently on the arm of her assassin boyfriend.

I glared at Dante. “Before I die, which will not be today, you’ll have to explain to me how you invaded my home. Will your mother or brother be joining us shortly? Perhaps I should have the chef prepare breakfast?”

“I’m so sorry. Hello, Sebastian,” Noemi said softly as she hesitantly stepped into the room. She lingered by the door until Dante rose from his chair and took a few steps towards her with his hand outstretched to draw her further into the room.

As soon as Dante touched her hand, Noemi’s shyness dissipated. She gave him a brilliant smile, which changed quickly when she and I made eye contact.

“Noemi.” I nodded at her, not in the least bit in the mood to welcome her intrusion onto my property.

“Before this little invasion goes any further, where are my people?” I demanded, concerned that the few people who were still here were in any danger.

“Everyone’s fine,” Dante drawled. “You should recognize your own work. They’ll all be freed as soon as we’re done here.”

Noemi wrung her hands in front of her, apparently still a little squeamish about joining the ranks of the criminal world.

“No one’s been hurt,” she added. She looked at Dante. Whether for permission or reassurance, I wasn’t sure. “We just came to see Lilly. To see if she’s okay.”

“And it was necessary to break in to do that?”

“Would you have preferred I just called? It didn’t seem to be the most reliable method of reassurance,” Dante drawled in a voice laced with sarcasm. “One doesn’t always trust what’s said over a phone.”

“Fine. I’ll get Lilly. You can see for yourself that she’s well and then you can get the hell off my property.” How the fuck had he found me to begin with?

“We will,” Noemi said quickly. She turned to Dante, looking for his reassurance, but he merely shrugged, committing to nothing. “I just needed to know that she was safe. So much has happened. I have to know that you didn’t hurt her.”

“What are you doing here? Of course he hasn’t hurt me.”

We all looked around to see the stunningly beautiful Lilly standing in the doorway. She was feeling better, apparently. Her hair was brushed to shine; her make-up was as impeccable as always. Lilly sashayed into the room like a queen in her blue and white polka dot kimono and fucking high heels.

She walked across the room to stand within arm's reach of me. She crossed her arms and glared at her brother.

“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but how dare the two of you show up here, without invitation, after disappearing for the last few months. How do I know you didn’t kidnap Noemi? How do I knowshe’snot hurt?”

Lilly’s chin rose in the air. “You two have more explaining to do than Sebastian does.”