Dante’s eyebrow rose in the first show of emotion he’d expressed since his unexpected arrival. “Are you prepared to die to back up that claim?”

I slammed forward in my chair. “I’m not prepared to die for anyone. Are you?”

He tilted his head. “I have a very compelling reason to stay alive, thank you.”

We eyed each other across the table. He apparently wasn’t in a hurry to accomplish whatever he’d broken into my house to do.

“So, you want some coffee, or do we sit here for some more useless banter while you try to figure out whether you’re going to kill me?” I could push him into revealing his hand, but I doubted that would work either.

“I made those threats because it’s what you would expect. I’m not here to kill you, St. Valentine.”

I watched him warily. Did I believe him? I reviewed everything he’d said in my mind. This was the first time he flat out said he wasn’t there to kill me. But then again, he never specifically said he was. Now I understood why Lilly hated this cryptic crap so much.

“You’ll understand if I withhold comment on that.”

“Of course, that’s up to you.” He leaned forward in his chair and fixed me with his stare. “I’m not here for a social occasion. I’m here to get Lilly and bring her home.”

Just how big of an asshole did I feel like being that morning? A giant one, and Dante’s overconfidence didn’t dissuade me.

“Kill me if you want to, but as long as I’m here, Lilly stays.”

“That’s very presumptuous of you.” He studied me longer, but the ongoing silence pissed me off.

“You’re an ass,” I growled as I stood up. “What the fuck do you really want? I don’t have time for your mystery man games. Lilly is here. She stays here as long as I’m here. When I return to Connecticut, she goes with me.”

“You’re a powerful man, St. Valentine, and I respect that. But I don’t give a damn about you. I’m here for Lilly, and only Lilly. She’s not here on her own free will, regardless of how you spin it. My sister is leaving with me.”

Blood pounded in my ears as my temper flared. “Lilly is mine. As long as you’re still a threat to me, she goes where I go. Now get the fuck out of my house.”

He didn’t move. He didn’t blink. The man had fucking ice in his veins.

Then his eyes narrowed. “I think I understand now.”

“You don’t understand shit.”

When Dante relaxed and leaned back in his chair, I remained standing. He was just going to piss me off again, anyway.

“Usually, you’d be right. My understanding of the human condition has been lacking for years, but lately, let’s just say I’m more aware of those around me.”

“Yippity fucking do. What the hell does this have to do with me and Lilly?”

A small smile appeared then quickly faded.

“Tell me...Why did you think I was coming to kill you? Trust me. If I wanted you dead... but I needed to see for myself. I told him none of this made sense.”

“You’re not making any fucking sense,” I grumbled as Dante went on.

“But you took her before I arrived,” he said as he tilted his head. “You needed Lilly because you were already worried. You used her.”

“Get to the point.”

“My point is if I wanted you dead, Lilly or no Lilly, St. Valentine, you’d be dead. But that’s not what I want, yet you’re convinced that I was coming to kill you. That’s why you took Lilly to begin with. To keep me away. The question iswhy?”

Did he really think he could show up and I’d tell him everything? I didn’t even know what to tell him. The man who’d called, who had sent me the information about Dante and Noemi... the facts all made sense. But if I revealed what I knew, I was a dead man for certain. I had proof that Dante Calegari was a hired assassin. He wouldn’t let me live if he knew that. We continued to stare at each other, neither of us wanting to make the next move.

I had more patience than he did. I had more to lose.

“A gesture of my good will, if you allow me,” Dante said as he pulled a sleek black phone out of his pocket.