His eyes narrowed. “What’s going on, Princess?”

I tried to take a step away from him, but his arms tightened again.

“No. You’re not pulling away. What’s wrong? Why are you shaking like this?”

I shook my head, tears filling my eyes. It had to be this. This was the confession that would keep us apart.

“Lilly?” Sebastian whispered, ducking his head down to mine. “What’s going on, Princess? Talk to me.”

“I can’t...I can’t believe you...”

“Can’t believe I...what? Something’s changed, Lilly. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what it is.”

That man had returned. The one that wanted to hold me, to take care of me. This wasn’t the man who wanted to destroy me. This was the man I needed. What if that same man was the one I needed to fear the most?

I looked into his eyes, barely able to see them through the water filling mine. “I can’t believe that you were the one who killed my father.”