When I lowered my eyes from his gaze, I saw the shop key where I had left it on the desk. Instinct told me to grab it, but when I did, I glimpsed the camera operating system’s icon on my computer’s desktop. Sebastian’s game would be over before he made his first move.

“Don’t bother.”

I grabbed the key. “Don’t botherwith what?”

“Your camera system.”

I narrowed my eyes, and he freaking laughed at me. He was always laughing at me during what I would consider being thewrongmoments!

“I love it when you get that look on your face. You don’t think I’m that dumb, do you, Princess? I wouldn’t walk in here with my every move recorded.”

He leaned on the door jamb as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “It doesn’t matter, anyway. I’m sure Gabriel will figure it out. He’ll know who has you, and he’ll eventually know why. What he won’t be able to do is figure out where you are. Not until I want him to.”

I leaned my hip on the desk. “I hate you, and right now, I don’t have any choice but to go with you because I’m not strong enough to knock that gun out of your hand.”

I stood up to my full height, heels and all, and squared off with him, jabbing him in the chest with each word.

“But my shop opens in three weeks, and whatever sick, twisted, mafia crime lord, plan of desperation you’ve cooked up in that stupid head of yours better play itself out long before then. Nothing is going to keep me from opening my store, not Gabriel, not the freaking weather, and certainly. Not. You!”