Fabian shook his head. “Are you sure you even like this girl?”

Liked her? I more than liked her, but I could see why Fabian was confused. I gave off as many mixed signals as I received.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” I looked down at the footage which showed Lilly doing nothing more than walking the fence perimeter. I looked back up at Fabian. “No word about Darion?”

“No. It’s at the four-hour window you gave. I was going to call Will, if you’re sure that’s what you want to do.”

I watched Lilly as she continued her stroll. She stopped to look at a flower and then she picked a large fallen branch to use as a walking stick. I expected her to swing it at the drone, but Jared was flying too high.

“Hold off on that.” There was someone I needed to talk to before I got anyone else involved. “Keep an eye on Lilly until I’m done.” I turned off the footage on my phone, knowing that despite his attitude, Fabian would do as I asked. When he left the room, I braced myself to make another fucking call I had no joy in making.

I had to give it to Gabriel Calegari—he always answers his fucking phone, but this time, there were no pleasantries.

“The fuck do you want?” he growled at me.

I didn't expect his surliness. Gabriel is always calm, even when he’s angry. My call caught him off guard, which meant he wasn’t expecting to hear from me, which meant... he wasn’t the reason Darion was missing, but I had him on the phone, so I had to fish around, see if I could get any information from him.

“I was calling to check on our friend. Considering recent events, we haven’t discussed his continued employment.”

Gabriel’s sigh wasn’t exaggerated. He was pissed off. “He’s fired. Your dumbass nephew hasn’t shown up for work in three days. And if he were stupid enough to show his face around here...What the fuck, Sebastian? Have you lost him?”

“I just wanted to make sure he’s all right.”Dammit. Dammit all to hell.

“He was fine the last time I saw him, but if you’re asking me how he’s doing, then that means you can’t askhim. Is he missing?”

Deny or tell the truth? Unfortunately, I believed Gabriel. Can’t explain why when I knew I couldn’t trust him, but his reaction was too real, too raw to be faked.

When I didn’t answer right away, Gabriel continued. “I don’t have your nephew, if that’s what you called for.”

“Do you have any idea where he might be?”

Gabriel laughed at my question. “And if I did, why the fuck would I help you? I’m going along with this charade of yours for my mother’s sake, but don’t think for one minute that you’re not going to pay for what you’ve done.”

“I haven’t done anything your sister hasn’t agreed to.”

“Let me talk to her again. Put her on the phone.”

“Can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’s gone for a walk. I can have her call you when she gets back.”

“Yeah. You do that. And I’ll do the same for your nephew.”

He hung up.

I thought I believed him until his last cryptic words.Fuck.

“Get Will. Tell him to be here by tomorrow,” I barked at Fabian as soon as he answered his phone.

“Are you sure you want to use him again... after the last time?”

I understood his hesitation. Will was the best there was at his job, but he was a handful and didn’t always like to take directions from the people who hired him.

Frustrated, I stroked my goatee. Fabian was right, I needed to think about this more. “Do you have any more updates?”

“No. Darion still hasn’t shown up at the house.”