“I grew weary of waiting.”

He had no clue what I’d been through since the last time we’d seen each other. His continued absence spoke volumes. He made no effort to contact me, to fight for me, after I’d left his home that morning and then he strolls into my shop tellingmehe’s grown weary?

My anger allowed me to completely shove aside my shock at seeing him again. “Waiting for what?”

His face remained emotionless. “For your brother to reveal his hand. Are you okay?”

I turned my back on him. I saw the rack in front of me, but it was a blur of fabrics and colors. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

“Gabriel’s slacking on the job again. Here you are, alone... I would have thought he’d be paying more attention this time.”

“I have guards–”

He snorted. “Not very good ones.”

My eyes snapped to his. “Did you hurt them?”

If he’d gained access to the boutique, it meant Martin and the other two men were nowhere around.

“I haven’t hurt anyone, Princess.”

“Liar,” I muttered under my breath. He’d left so much carnage in his wake. My heart still ached.

Sebastian looked around the room. I took advantage of his change of focus. His eyes were finally off me as they traveled around the store. His face softened from its usual tense expression, and a hint of a smile appeared.

“This is nice. Congratulations.”

That was the man I missed. He was strong and confident, but another man hid beneath the facade of a mafia crime lord, and he was the man who stood in front of me now. This was the man I was powerless to resist.

I blew a stray hair out of my eye. “Thank you. It’s been a lot of work, but... yeah,” the smile escaped me, “it’s going well. We open at the end of the month.”

He said nothing. We stared at each other. I watched as his facial expression morphed again.

“I didn’t come here to catch up, Lilly.”

Thank God I wouldn’t have to play any stupid mind games. “Well, I’ve asked you this question before. I’m sure you have a lame ass reason, but I’ll ask again. Whyareyou here?”

“I need you to come with me, Lilly.”

Oh, hell, no! “I’m not–”

“It’d be much easier on both of us if you didn’t resist.”

“Oh, I have every intention of resisting you, Sebastian.”

I tossed my ponytail over my shoulder and stared into those hypnotic eyes of his, although their power had waned since I last saw him. It was time to remind Sebastian St. Valentine who he was dealing with.

“You can’t put me on a pedestal if I’m kneeling at your feet,” I taunted him.

With a steady hand, Sebastian pulled a shiny black object from his coat’s breast pocket. I blinked a few times before it registered with me just what he’d done.

“You’ll be on your knees for me, Princess. I’m the only man strong enough to tame you.” His voice dropped a level, creating intimacy between us with a change in decibels. “But I won’t weaken you. Once you’ve fallen, you’ll rise again. As my queen.”

His voice hardened again as he waved the pistol toward the doorway.

“Now let’s go.”

My blood was still racing with excitement at seeing Sebastian standing in front of me. When he pulled the gun from his coat, my heart skipped a beat before settling into an erratic rhythm of thumps and whumps, drowning out every other sound in the boutique.