“The same one you are,” she whispered back.

“No, I don’t think so, but that’s alright. I can play two games at the same time.”

“You know, you’re going to have to tell me what this is all about. Gabriel’s probably driving himself crazy right now. And my mother...”

With a soft-spoken word, the mood changed.

Worrying Mrs. Calegari wasn’t my goal, but it was an unavoidable consequence of her son’s actions. But I also had taken a few steps to help ease Lilly’s mother’s mind.

I led Lilly through the main room to the patio. I expected her to make me slow down or to have some curiosity about the house, but she didn’t appear to notice anything we passed.

I turned to her before I opened the patio door. “I have a solution for that. Your mother doesn’t have to know anything about your being here against your will. No one does, actually. If you play along.”

“So, you kidnapped me, but you don’t want anyone toknowthat you kidnapped me? What the hell, Sebastian? Have you lost your mind in the last few months? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“I’ll explain everything over dinner, if you’ll continue to humor me.”

She looked skeptical, but I’d won her over before, and I knew I could do so again if I could get close to her, touch her, treat her like the princess she really was, not my prisoner.

With an exaggerated flourish, I pushed opened the frosted doors that led to the patio.

Lilly gasped and froze in the doorway. I certainly couldn’t take the credit for dinner, just as I couldn’t take the credit for her wardrobe. Fabian had outdone himself with the romantic shit. I had to take Lilly’s arm and guide her across the threshold, a move that was beginning to feel too damn comfortable.

I know that if it had been left up to me, we would have dined by mere candlelight. With Fabian’s influence, we dined with candles glowing on every available surface, including floating in the pool. Rose petals were scattered everywhere, with dozens of rose bouquets crowded around us.

With my hand on the small of her back, I urged her toward the table. Like the royalty she was, Lilly waited patiently as I pulled out her chair and seated her.

I took my place across from her and met her bemused expression.

“Is this how you treat all your prisoners?” she smiled.

I reached for the bottle of Merlot in the wine bucket beside the table. “Contrary to the impression I seem to have left on you, I don’t make a habit of kidnapping women.”

“Anyone else would think it strange that you specified a gender. Is it only women who have been exempt from your nefarious plans?”

I let the question linger as I filled her wine glass. “Try it.” I nodded towards the glass. “I think you’ll like this vintage.”

She ignored my suggestion and leaned forward. “You don’t have to do all of this, you know.”

I took a swallow and replaced my glass. “I don’t do things I don’t want to do, Lilly. Your time here is finite, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.”

Her eyes narrowed as she finally took a sip of wine. “Mmm. You’re right. That’s nice. Then tell me, where exactly ishere? Where have you whisked me off to?”

“The Adirondacks,” I answered vaguely.

“Oh. Well. That’s helpful. Not.”

“You don’t really need to know more–yet. Here’s our dinner. Let’s eat, then I’ll share my plan.”

I knew she’d try. I thought about warning her, but I anticipated the reaction she’d get.

When the staff arrived to serve us, Lilly ignored the plate of mushroom risotto that was placed in front of her.

She batted her wide eyes at Sam. “Help. I’m being held here against my will. Won’t you help me?”

It was almost comical, the tone in her voice. I smiled and sat back, waiting for Sam’s reply. This was a rare occasion that I asked my security to do double duty as wait staff.

Sam stared back at her with a vacant expression on his face. “I’m sorry, ma’am. You’ll have to take the matter up with my employer. Please enjoy your dinner.”