Sebastian’s eyes zeroed in on it. “Just so you know, if that hits me, you’ll pay for it.”

“It can’t cost much to replace this ugly thing.”

A wicked grin spread across his face, and his eyes lit up with temptation. “That’s not what I meant.”

“What are you going to do? Beat me?”

Sebastian shrugged and took a step closer. “No, but I’ve always thought handcuffs would look good on you.”

My eyes narrowed. He was completely serious.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

His eyebrows shot up. “I kidnapped you and maybe drugged you a little. What makes you think I wouldn’t handcuff you to my bed?”

Thoughts raced through my mind. Good ones. Bad ones.... Downright naughty, dirty ones.

When our eyes met, I knew my thoughts weren’t off base. Desire flooded Sebastian’s eyes.

“I have some you’d like. Bedazzled like that gun of yours. Velvet lined with crystals and diamonds and other girly things.”

“They’re supposed to hurt?”

“No, not at all.” His voice deepened, and he took another step closer. “But they’ll do their job just fine.”

My heart skipped a beat. “And their job is?”

“Your innocence is showing, Princess. Their job is to hold you still.”

“I guess you’d have to catch me first.” Dumb. Dumb. Dumb Dumb. Of course, Sebastian would catch me. I tried to fake to the right, then the left and back again, but the room was too small and he was too fast and it was a silly idea anyway. But, at least, I tried.

A mere five seconds elapsed before Sebastian had me wrapped in his arms and pinned against his hard chest.

“I’ve been looking forward to this since the night we met. Make me chase you, Princess. Put up a fight.”

“You must have been sorely disappointed last night, what with me completely helpless and all.” I still had the urge to let him know how pissed off I was. I kicked his shin as hard as I could, considering how close we were to one another. He grunted, but his hold didn’t waiver.

“Anticipation makes everything better. See,” he leaned forward, bending me back over his arm. “Isn’t this better?”

I raised the owl just as Sebastian’s lips settled over mine. The thud of the owl hitting the floor mixed with those of my beating heart.

How many nights had I wanted this? How many nights had I lain awake, remembering the way my body ignited as soon as Sebastian touched me?

As soon as I released the owl, I wound my arms around Sebastian’s neck, eager for the heat to return. Eager for his body pressed against mine.

“Looks like I won’t need those cuffs after all,” Sebastian whispered. His lips lingered over my ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down my spine. “I’m severely disappointed.”

I pretended to pout. “But you promised.”

Standing up so abruptly my head snapped back, Sebastian rose to his full height, but he didn’t let go of me.

“Watch it, Princess. You might get what you’ve asked for.”

“So might you.”

His eyes narrowed. “What game are you playing?”

I shrugged. “Why should I tell you? You haven’t exactly been an open book. And now here I am.... Exactly where am I?”