“I don’t, you know.”

“You don’twhat?”

“Hate you. I should.”What the hell was I telling him?“But I don’t.”

“I know that, too,” Sebastian said seriously.

“You think you’re so damn smart.” I yawned.

“Sleep,” he ordered with a chuckle. “You’ll change your mind in the morning.”


MY MOUTH FELT LIKEI’d slept with a stick of chalk in it. Mostly, that’s where the discomfort ended. I snuggled into the warmth of a sherpa lined comforter, reluctant to open my eyes as I straddled that line between being awake and being asleep.

I felt rested. I hadn’t felt that way in months. I actually felt like I’d slept through the whole night. I opened my eyes. The red numbers on the digital clock told me I had slept all night and into the day... or those annoying numbers lied. One a.m. I squinted and looked a little closer. A little dot glowed next to the p.m. icon.

What did that mean? Why did I not know what that meant? And why was I sleeping in what I had been wearing all day?

I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. The room was dark... and it wasn’t my room. That wasn’t my sherpa lined comforter. Not my discount store clock. Nothing was mine.

“That son-of-a-bitch!” I screamed, slamming my fists into the mattress.

“Easy, Princess. That’s no way to start your day.”

He switched on a lamp. I covered my eyes, which were suddenly bothered by the miniscule brightness.

“What have you done?” I hissed.

Sebastian leaned forward in the leather chair that sat in the corner. “I came to check on you. I thought you might be hungry since you slept so long, but you were still sleeping when I came in. I didn’t have the heart to wake you,” he added softly.

“I meant, where am I?”

“You’re safe. That’s all you need to know for now.”

I jumped out of the bed. The pillow zinged across the room, smashing into the lamp on the sideboard next to the chair Sebastian sat in.

“You drugged me! You low-life, woman stealing, asshat!”

Sebastian ducked, apparently enjoying my tirade.

“Well, yes, but not much.”

I grabbed the clock and sent it flying in the same direction as the pillow. “Not much? Was I being so uncooperative that you felt the need to take away my free will?” I did everything he’d told me to do, and then he left me helpless and took away my ability to be cognizant of my own life.

Sebastian easily ducked the second flying object. “Hello. Kidnapping, remember?” This time, he actually laughed.

“I’m going to drive a knife through that rotten black heart of yours.”

He found that comment much less amusing. I looked around, desperately searching for another object to hurl at his stupid head, something heavy enough to do some damage if I was fortunate enough to actually hit him with it.

As I grabbed for an ugly brass owl statue, Sebastian lunged for me. I jumped out of the way, grabbing the statue and taking it with me as I ran behind an equally as ugly black leather recliner opposite the bed.

“Who designed this place?” I scoffed as we squared off against one another.

“Not up to your standards, Princess?” he sneered.

“Not even close,” I answered, raising the owl above my head.